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Friday, October 07, 2005

Tattler News 10/6/05

The Social Issues Tattler

Thursday, October 06, 2005
Update: 7:30 pm. MothersBruleSioux's mother passed away today. Our thoughts are with her at this time.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

Sensibly Forward, while busy righting the wrongs of the world, has taken a moment of her precious time to articulate her position regarding the writer of The Tattler being anonymous. God bless her little pointed head. She even went so far as to post a Tattler-like blog of her own. A gold star to her for effort. It's been a long time since she was a cub reporter on a website, and if memory serves, she posted on that site anonymously. How quickly we forget our own past. Sensibly has amassed a small, but mighty, following for her "Hunt down the coward writer" campaign. A few notables in her posse are; Snow Ogre, Ravenn, GoddessofSomeThings, Buck, and other various and sundry control freaks. The Tattler would find merit in Ms. Forwards position, if she didn't drape herself in a cloak of the unknown, or is Sensibly Forward her real name? Was she born to the manor of the Forward family in Newfoundland, her father, Backward Forward, mother Ima Bit Forward, siblings, Can't Go, Won't Go, and Floundering Forward? It's rumored she grew up next to the Christian family, but they moved Onward and became soldiers. Sensibly's synapses must have snapped, if she can't see everyone in Social Issues is unknown, and real names are hidden from sight as if they were herpes at a high school hop. Sensibly Forward said " Sensibly Forward: except the tabloids are accountable for what they say, as the authors identify themselves". Are you nuts woman? The tabloids have a small country of lawyers, and money enough to defend any person stupid enough to take them to court. In the history of tabloid writing, only a handful of people ever successfully sued them for erroneous stories, Carol Burnett being one of them. The Tattler isn't Burger King Sensibly, you can't have it your way. If it offends your senses and sensibilities, simply don't read it.

Diana wrote, " D_I_A_N_A: I agree, Sensi gutless chickenshit. The person gives their opinions in a public way without people being able to respond publicl " . Diana, at the bottom of this page is the word Email , for you, E m a i l . Do you see it? Good. Click that word with your mouse. Can you do that? We'll wait for you to find it. When you have achieved that goal, a page will pop up like a clown in your toy winding box, and you can type words on it. After you have finished typing words, and don't you dare worry about spelling , as I see you don't at the moment, would you please hit S E N D , again for you S E N D, and off your little letter will fly to The Tattler. I will post your missive, giving you the voice you so feverishly desire. Diana also wrote D_I_A_N_A: The Tattler writer could be me. I love to play with words to write something interesting, EXCEPT for the fact that I'm way too lazy, and don't write anything. lol " Diana, have you spoken to Sensibly Forward? She's looking for you.

Chief Rabbit took a moment to do her Marie Antoinette imitation last evening in Kaboom's room. As she stood high above the masses, she fluffed her hair and corrected her corset, before announcing that all beneath her were boring, lonely, drab, humdrum, monotonous, stupid, wearisome, unnewsworthy, palling, lumbering, plodding, slow , and those were the good points. As her mic crackled and her ten dollar words flew like confetti in a wind storm, Rabbit berated everyone in social issues for not entertaining her enough. With a toss of her hair, and a dismissive hand gesture, she murmured, "Let them choke on one syllable words." If history has a way of repeating itself, a kevlar collar might be in order for you Chief.

Nothing so perfect as a pal moment, when Slammer can take the mic directly after Chief's multisyllabic harangue, to say in his own words what Chief has just ranted on about. Slammer said "We'lllllllllll Chayuf, it's like this ya see, when I get bored I color outside the lines, tills we's get's backs to jawing 'bout fishing." Chief Rabbit was last seen with a rope, hunting for a tree.

Crazy is at it again, chewing on the legs of the only three people left who can tolerate her. Today, she attacked KL4308, for over an hour simply because Crazy thought she could. KL, finally reached her boiling point , and bounced the Cajun and her crawdads back to cuckoo land. Crazy, you're about one friend shy of being the fat girl at the barn dance.

Ravenn won the prize for "Irony, I just don't get it" today. She prattled on about the Tattler being "mean" and "not nice" (see earlier blog on the subject of nice), and just how awful that is to do, and then proceeded to say Starlyin was mean and nasty for bouncing people out of her room. A clue, a clue, my kingdom for a clue, Ravenn couldn't catch one in a hamper.

Speaking of great rooms, (and who was? ) Kaboom runs a very good room, filled with interesting topics for the most part. He controls the flow with a velvet glove, and discourages the ramblers with kindness. It seems his gentle demeanor invades all who enter his hallowed halls. Another on the list of good rooms is the new "Europe and the World" room. They miss on a few of the American ways, but they allow everyone a voice, and who can ask for more than that.

Emcee4 wrote; emcee4: I dislike anonymous scribblings...takes away from the credibility" when discussing The Tattler today, and our agreement would be yours to have Emcee, if it wasn't for the poem "Funeral Eulogy, by W.S (William Shakespeare), Primary Colors by Anonymous (Joe Klein ), or the seldom heard of poem " A Visit from St. Nicholas (author unknown) , in later years credit was given to a Mr. Clement Moore for this work. Earnest Hemingway, T.S Eliot, and a few others also wrote some works under the name "Anonymous". May all your pens be Bics and all your erasers wobbly.

Idiot of the day ---- Sensibly Forward

Nice person of the day--- KL4308

Admin of the day --- Kaboom

Quote of the day --- ononotagain: Social Issues is full of lamers, assorted oddballs, fatheads, freaks of nature, misfits, masturbators, sexually and socially repellent bell-ends, wankers, cyber-sluts, rejects, big-mouths, hygenically challenged unwashed pseudo-intellectuals, gobby, abrasive, demented, has-beens, never-will-be's, hypocrites,drug addicts and alcoholics. What's wrong with these people?


from the Goatlove, name says it all, blow me!

lets keep this in context, i said that too much perfume in a restarant is disruptive and takes away from other people enjoying their meals, or do you enjoy spending your good money choking on perfume while eating your steak? I bet you think i am an asshole too, for thinking crying babies should not be in movie theater either.

No, Goatlove, that is certainly not the reason I think you're an asshole.



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