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Monday, February 27, 2006

New Pilot Trying to Fly a Helicopter

Sunday, February 26, 2006

All Rise for Judge Penis Pump
| North County Gazette |

"In December, following a preliminary hearing, a judge found that enough probable cause existed for the trial of former district court judge Donald Thompson to proceed. Thompson, 59, is charged with four felony counts of indecent exposure for allegedly using a "penis pump" under his judicial robes while adjudicating two murder trials and a civil trial in 2003."
Read article...

Ricin found in Moore-Hill dorm
Deadly toxin first discovered Thursday;2 students receiving precautionary treatment

Law enforcement officials have taped off a second-floor Moore-Hill dorm room and a first-floor laundry room Saturday after investigators found traces of the deadly toxin Ricin in the building.

A Weapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit picked up a sample of the toxin in Austin Saturday and will take it to a government facility in Quantico, Va. for more definitive testing, FBI special agent Rene Salinas said. The FBI has been investigating since Friday when a white powder found in the building was identified as Ricin in preliminary tests, Salinas said.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.
The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.
They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.
"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.
Mr Alifi, Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.
"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up".
Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.
"They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife," Mr Alifi told the newspaper.
source: http://news.bbc.co.uk

scarlet_begonias in her own words

scarlet_begonias: i fucked the tattler and all i got was this lousy tshirt(and a special edition)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Severed penis found in convenience store microwave

Friday, February 24, 2006

A clerk at a GetGo station made a horrifying discovery last night after a man walked into the minimart and asked her to heat something wrapped in a paper towel in the store's microwave.

When the item in the microwave gave off an unusual odor, the clerk opened the over door, unwrapped the paper and found what appeared to be a severed human penis, according to KDKA-TV.

The clerk immediately called police, but the man who handed the item to the clerk fled from the store on Fifth Avenue, KDKA reported.

McKeesport police declined comment last night.

source: http://www.post-gazette.com

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fire Fart, The video explain's itself ENJOY!

Flaming Penis

"A former Christchurch student who set his penis aflame in order to win a $1000 pub promotion has been awarded a dubious world honor. Nearly seven years on, Thomas Hendry's bizarre feat has gained a special mention in the Darwin Awards – recognising those who have improved the human gene pool by leaving it."
Read article...

Urine trouble

"A disturbing case was discovered Tuesday about a Central Ohio man who allegedly told police he likes to drink the urine of adolescent boys." ... ""Listening to him describe it, it's like listening to a crack or cocaine addict. He's addicted to children's urine." READ ARTICLE

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Man Gets Life in Prison for Unwanted Kiss
SALEM, Ore.- Nicholas Meyrovich, 60, an exterminator, was exterminating a woman's house who lived in Salem on October of 2003 when he took hold of the woman and started to kiss her.

She immediately pushed him away and then he started kissing her neck and because of this felony sex offense, he received his third strike and will spend the rest of his days behind bars.

Nicholas claimed that the neck is not a intimate part of your body but a court said otherwise.
Nicholas is one of four inmates under Oregon's three-strikes law serving life sentences. Prior to this he has nine other sexual related offenses.


Man Charged With Killing Roommate Over Toilet Tissue

MARION COUNTY, Fla. -- A man has been arrested for fatally beating his roommate with a sledgehammer and a claw hammer because there was no toilet tissue in the home, authorities said.Franklin Paul Crow, 56, has been charged Monday with homicide for the death of Kenneth Matthews, 58, according to the Marion County Sheriff's Office.

Crow told investigators that the men were fighting over the weekend about the toilet tissue when Matthews pulled out a rifle. Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer, according to an affidavit.

Capt. Thomas Bibb said Crow initially denied his involvement with the crime, but confessed when questioned.

Matthews was beaten so badly he had to be identified through his fingerprints, detectives said.

Crow was being held at the Marion County jail without bond. It was not immediately known whether he had an attorney. source:http://www.wftv.com

Jefferson Davis

President of the "Confederate States of America." He was inaugurated on the 18th of February, was subsequently, after the adoption of the permanent constitution, regularly elected by popular vote, for a term of six years, and on the 22nd of February 1862 was again inaugurated
source and more interesting reading chick here


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart of the Assemblies of God, with tears streaming down his face, confesses sinning with a prostitute in a Louisiana hotel room. A second scandal with yet another prostitute emerges in 1991, further killing his evangelical career.

12-Year-Old Girl Shows that Toilet Water is Cleaner than Ice Cubes

Jasmine Roberts from southern Florida decided to conduct an experiment to sample and test toilet water and ice cubes from five fast food establishments for bacteria.
Her results show that there is a 70% chance that the ice from the restaurant is dirtier than the toilet water. Some of the ice samples tested positive for E.coli. "These [bacteria] don't belong there," said Doctor David Katz.
Jasmine was inspired to perform her experiments after reading an article about bacteria found in aeroplane water. Her brother Justus said "I gave her a high five, then said 'You're a strange little kid.' But I supported her all the way".
Source: abcnews.go.com

Monday, February 20, 2006


Andrew Jackson Once Paid Off USA National Debt
(the only President in U.S. History to do this before or after)

On 1/8/1835, President Andrew Jackson became the only president to pay off the entire U.S. national debt (Church, Guardians of the Grail, p. 179). With a ton of courage, and much opposition, Jackson freed America from the control of the bankers. Their influence was enormous throughout the U.S. government including the U.S. Congress.
For a short time during this period, the U.S. actually had a national surplus (not a budget surplus, but an actual surplus). Unfortunately, that was quickly allowed to slip away, and it has never happened again. With everyone's help, we can have a national surplus again and the freedoms that come with that.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

On the menu today: horse penis and testicles with a chilli dip

The menu at Beijing's latest venue for its growing army of gourmets is eye-watering rather than mouth-watering.

China's cuisine is renowned for being "in your face" - from the skinned dogs displayed at food markets to the kebabbed scorpions sold on street stalls - and there is no polite way of describing Guo-li-zhuang.

A dish combining the male organs of an ox and a snake
Situated in an elegantly restored house beside Beijing's West Lake, it is China's first speciality penis restaurant.

Here, businessmen and government officials can sample the organs of yaks, donkeys, oxen and even seals. In fact, they have to, since they form part of every dish - except for those containing testicles.

"This is my third visit," said one customer, Liu Qiang. "Of course, there are other restaurants that serve the bian of individual animals. But this is the first that brings them all together."

Guolizhuang's owner, who set it up in November, is proud to combine his own surname (Guo), his wife's (Li) and his son's nickname (Zhuang) into its title.

A booking comes with a trained waitress and a nutritionist in attendance, to explain the menu and to boast its medicinal virtues.

Dog's penis, garnished with a plum
In China, you are what you eat, and The Daily Telegraph's nutritionist, Zhu Yan, said the clients were mainly men eager to improve their yang, or virility. Women could benefit, too, she added, although she told the Telegraph's female photographer: "I wouldn't recommend the testicles. The testosterone might interfere in fertility. But many women say bian is good for the skin."

Some dishes appear unexceptional, such as the simple goat penis, sliced, dipped in flour, fried, and served skewered with soy sauce.

But Guolizhuang also has its showpieces, such as the elegantly named "Head crowned with a Jade Bracelet" (provided by horses from the western Muslim region of Xin-jiang), for £20 a portion, or "Dragon in the Flame of Desire" (yak, steamed whole, fried and flambéed) for £35.

For beginners, Miss Zhu recommended the hotpot, which offers a sampling of what the restaurant has to offer - six types of penis, and four of testicle, boiled in chicken stock by the waitress, Liu Yunyang, 22.

The Russian dog was first. It was julienned, and rather gamey.

The ox was, of all six, the most recognisable for what it was, even though it had been diced. In texture seemed identical to gristle.

The deer and the Mongolian goat were surprisingly similar: a little stringy, they had the appearance and feel of overcooked squid tentacles. The Xinjiang horse and the donkey, on the other hand, were quite different. Though both came sliced lengthwise, and looked like bacon, the horse was light and fatty, while the donkey had a firm colour and taste. The testicles were slightly crumbly, and tasted better with lashings of the sesame, soy and chilli dips thoughtfully provided.

One speciality, Canadian seal penis, costs a hefty £220, and requires ordering in advance. Miss Liu confessed that Guo-li-zhuang was an unusual place to work, partly because of her training - she has to recite tales proving the vigour of the animals in question as they are being eaten - and partly because of the interaction with the clientele. "I did find it embarrassing at first," she said. "And sometimes the customers take advantage of me by asking rude questions."

As for the supposed health benefits, Mr Liu, the most regular customer, was uncertain but hopeful. "I can't say I've noticed any difference yet," he said. "But it's a long-term thing."

source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Come back here with my leg!

Girl's Prosthetic Leg Stolen a Second Time
For the second time in recent months, somebody broke into a 16-year-old girl's home and stole her prosthetic leg — including one that had been donated following the first crime, authorities said.

The thieves took a $12,000 cosmetic leg and a donated $16,000 leg that Melissa Huff uses to play softball, her mother, Lisa Huff, said. She said a camera in the room was untouched.

"It's insane. Who hates her that bad?" Lisa Huff said. "I went back to the girls' room and the room was trashed. Mostly Melissa's stuff."

In the first theft, on Nov. 1, someone cut a hole in a window screen and also took video games and other items, authorities said. Her doctor and two real estate finance companies donated money for a new, shock-absorbent "sports leg" with a flexible foot.

On Tuesday, the thief pried open a screen window in the home, about 12 miles east of Los Angeles, said sheriff's Sgt. Russell Sprague. He said authorities have no leads.

Melissa's right leg was amputated two years ago after she was struck by a car. She resumed playing competitive softball after the accident and is now a high school sophomore.

"Now, she has nothing to walk with," said her father, David Huff.

source: http://www.sfgate.com

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

David Letterman's Top Ten Dick Cheney Excuses

10. "Heart palpitation caused trigger finger to spasm"

9. "Wanted to get the Iraq mess off the front page"

8. "Not enough Jim Beam"

7. "Trying to stop the spread of bird flu"

6. "I love to shoot people"

5. "Guy was making cracks about my lesbian daughter"

4. "I thought the guy was trying to go 'gay cowboy' on me"

3. "Excuse? I hit him, didn't I?"

2. "Until Democrats approve medicare reform, we have to make some tough choices for the elderly"

1. "Made a bet with Gretzky's wife"

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tornado_F5 giving instructions on how to perform an "UPPER DECKER" to a rude host. Click Here....

Man Steals from his Dead Mother's Morphine Drip

BARNSTABLE, MA - Robert S. Peatie, 37, who police say has a history of drug abuse, was arrested for stealing the morphine from his mother's interveinous drip just moments after she died. A nurse caught the suspect pouring it into a water bottle.
Linda Peatie, 62, had died from an undisclosed illness. Nurse Maureen Beckler had left Peatie in the room alone while she sought out a physician to pronounce the woman dead. Peatie fled when Beckler returned to catch him stealing the morphine.
Police later found Peatie at a nearby restaurant and took him into custody. He apparently admitted to the theft and told police that he had been sipping the morphine from his water bottle. Peatie was jailed on $2,000 dollars bond.
Source: hosted.ap.org

Civil War: Special Field Order #15

On this day in 1865, in the midst of his 'March to the Sea' during the Civil War, General William T. Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton met with 20 Black community leaders of Savannah, Georgia. Based in part to their input, Gen. Sherman issued Special Field Order #15 on January 16, 1865, setting aside the Sea Islands and a 30 mile inland tract of land along the southern coast of Charleston for the exclusive settlement of Blacks. Each family would receive 40 acres of land and an army mule to work the land, thus "forty acres and a mule." Gen. Rufus Saxton was assigned by Sherman to implement the Order. On a national level, this and other land, confiscated and abandoned, became the jurisdiction of the Freedman's Bureau, which was headed by Gen. Oliver Otis Howard (Howard University).

In his words he wanted to "...give the freedmen protection, land and schools as far and as fast as he can." However, during the summer and fall of 1865, President Johnson issued special pardons, returning the property to the ex-Confederates. Howard issued Circular 13, giving 40 acres as quickly as possible. Upon his knowledge, Johnson ordered Howard to issue Circular 15, returning the land to the ex-Confederates.
source: http://www.isomedia.com

Friday, February 03, 2006

This day in history

Feb 3 1913

In one of the blackest days in U.S. history, the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. This amendment created the income tax.

African's sold themselves into slavery

As with Native Americans, Africans were often sold into slavery by enemy tribes. However, as Christopher C. Boyle points out in his essay Rise of the Georgetown Rice Culture,

The most common reasons for selling tribal members to the Europeans were for offenses against society, such as murder or theft, offenses against the king, or even personal or tribal misfortunes such as indebtedness or tribal famine.
But whatever the reason, he says, "the sale of human lives was profitable for African tribal kings and the European traders as well as the colonial planters." source:http://www.sciway.net

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Trans-Atlantic imports by region

Region Number of slaves
accounted for %

Brazil 4,000,000 35.4
Spanish Empire 2,500,000 22.1
British West Indies 2,000,000 17.7
French West Indies 1,600,00 14.1
British North America and United States 500,000 4.4
Dutch West Indies 500,000 4.4
Danish West Indies 28,000 0.2
Europe (and Islands) 200,000 1.8

Total 11,328,000 100.0

Data derived from table II as presented in:
The Slave Trade
by Hugh Thomas
Simon and Schuster, 1997,
ISBN 0-68481063-8


Man Reports Marijuana Stolen - Arrested as He Claims his Dope

OREM, Utah - Reporting his illegal substances stolen wasn't the smartest thing 18-year-old Kory C. Tippetts could have done. Once police recovered his dope, they arrested him when he claimed it as his own.
Tippetts contacted police on Monday when he returned home to find that his home had been burglarized. He reported that someone had broken a window to gain entry and stole his 1/4 pound of marijuana that he intended on selling.
Tippetts had a suspect in mind. When police followed up on the investigation, they arrested the suspect and recovered the marijuana. When Tippetts showed up at the police station to claim his weed, he was promptly arrested on drug charges.


Cindy Sheehan Arrested
Anti-War activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Tuesday, minutes prior to President Bush's State of the Union speech.
Sheehan, invited by a Californian House Representative, wore an anti-war t-shirt to the event. Police told Sheehan to cover-up the shirt, and was soon after arrested on charges of "unlawful conduct".
Police chief Kimberly Schneider did not know what the t-shirt said. Sheehan could face up to one year in jail.
source: http://www.cnn.com

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