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Monday, March 06, 2006

Sperm donor must pay maintenance

A Swedish man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple has been ordered to pay child support for their three children.

In the early 1990s the man, now 39, donated his sperm to a woman in a lesbian relationship. She had three sons, the oldest of whom is now 13 years old.

Although the man signed a document confirming he was the biological father of the children, he told the court the women agreed he would not be involved in their upbringing in any way.

But when the women separated, the biological mother of the three boys demanded child support payments from the man.

He went to court but lost the case and the subsequent appeal before taking the matter to the Supreme Court, the highest appeals court in the country.

The Supreme Court has confirmed the earlier rulings, stating that the biological father is required to pay child support to the mother of the three children he indirectly fathered.


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