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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Tattler News Oct.07 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Friday, October 07, 2005
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.

Waiting-for-Godot ran a room today with the words "free speech" in the title, and he meant it. This room was as refreshing as a sun shower on a scorching day, and to be able to listen to a multitude of diverse opinions on various subjects is what Social Issues should be. Godot (as most call him), made an impassioned plea for more rooms to allow the thoughts of those they vehemently disagree with be expressed, because then, and only then, is interest brought to the table. It's just too lazy and easy to sit in a room where everyone agrees. Lord Merciful Voo dropped by for a few tips about decent debate and conversation, because sadly, this is what his room could have been to Social Issues. Instead Voo has become Boss Hogg with a dark tan, and his room is filled with hazard hooligans. Voo believes he allows freedom of speech, and in a way he does, if free speech is waiting five hours to have a one minute dissertation of your position, and then to be dotted or heckled. The Mainstream Politics room is no more mainstream than a fish is a mountain climber. The Mainstream room is a clique of renegade self professed liberal thinkers, who won't allow another person freedom of thought. Karl, noogie, Imilac and Voo himself, filibuster on the mic for hours on end, allowing no other person to participate. If some poor soul attempts to disagree in Voo's room, they are dragged to the tower, drawn and quartered, with their head left wiggling on a stick as a warning to others who dare to think for themselves. Many disagree with Godot's political position, but no one can disagree with his attempts to run a decent and interesting room.

Crazy Cajun was left to run Tornado's room by herself last night, and no greater exhibition of a child running with scissors has ever been displayed than this insane move. Shadowdog, took a hour or two explaining the mating habits of the common mosquito. With each new round of mosquito tidbits there was a preamble of "I don't want to bore you", and then he went on to bore everyone until they were sticking pins in their eyes to stop the pain of listening. If he's not boring he's being disgustingly gross to women. Shadowdog, when you think you are boring, you are. Eyeam, deep in Johnny Walker wisdom, flashed his credentials as a "redneck drunk" to fortify his position on world politics, followed up by Truman and Flush Rush, who shockingly understood every word EyeAm said. Amidst the madness, Attila the Hen thought it wise to discuss the European Union with Curly, Larry and Moe, and the comedy routine of the century began. Attila, not the brightest star in the sky, mentioned Turkey, and Iliad made very cogent comments about Turkey and the Union. All was going well, until as usual, Crazy took the helm of the USS Asinine. Crazy, hearing the word Turkey jumped up, waving her drumsticks, and told all she eats turkey, well hell, she loves turkey, and cooks it seven ways of Sunday. Truman and Eyeam followed up with a few of their own trailer-park fowl feast anecdotes and the thinking participants of the room fell into a heap of laughter.

The room wound down to a few remaining turkey talkers at the bar, singing sad songs, and swapping sorrow, when in flies Spicy Cajun Pepper a tad shy of tolerance, but carrying a mountain of common sense. A deadly combination when mixed with Cajun heritage. Spicy told Crazy, " I don't care if the rabbit eats bread at midnight, I only jump the fence to tell you what others don't; you can't sing. If you can't run with the big dogs, get your ass on the porch." Finally, Social Issues has a woman with big enough ovaries to speak her mind, even if most don't get her colloquialisms. When Truman tried to silence the southern storm, he was told " You best be prepared to eat it, if y'all are bringin' it to the table." There are not many people who can stand up to the scrutiny of the commonplace, familiar, and oh so refreshing words of Spicy. If you want some old fashioned laughs, tune into Spicy Unleashed.

Short news items. Isabellah is racing for the title of "most hats in pal", and with one more day of posterior lip smaking, she'll make it.

jacquie-2 (was there a 1) is back, so look for some more blunders, flubs, inaccuracies, misstatements, and misinterpretation of everything pertaining to the U.S.

A collection is being taken up to purchase Diogenic some Polygrip. He went to the pharmacy himself, but after a lengthy chat with the clerk regarding dental products the clerk shot herself. An excerpt from the conversation went as follows. Diogenic: I'm wondering about the products developed to adhere false teeth to gums, thus aiding in the cessation of whistling, when usage of the snake sound hissing is made by "s" words in the English language ie; suffering succatash. One must ask themselves; are teeth really necessary? What job do teeth perform besides the obvious? Do teeth want to be stuck in our mouth, or would they be happier flapping freely from f to s? Did the caveman floss and if not, what does this say about society today as we know it? Was the alphabet created with the loose-toothier in mind, or does anyone really care? The Kings and Queens of Budatatee ------BANG -----THUD.

There was an interesting room today called " Do Muslim Women Speak for Themselves"; no woman was allowed to speak, but for one; High Falutin. This Australian is so bigoted, she makes a Grand Wizard seem like Ghandi.

Social Injustice has reached a pathetic level of paranoia about anyone who enters the room without the secret handshake and the squirrel tail wiggle. Wee Alice dropped by, turned to the left three times and spit on the ground, allowing her permission to be in the room, and then babbled on for hours about a poor quality bobble she received as a gift. Seems our materialistic Alice is too good for the common chipped diamond ring, and must have the one she's been moaning about for months. Alice if the gift isn't good enough for you, it says more about you than the giver. Shamrock couldn't understand the "diamond chip vs. rock" conversation, but explained it away by saying she'd only had six years of college. Shamrock, the only people to take six years to complete college were the kids on the short bus.

Another good room today was "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" run by Cyndy UK and AnthonyK. As suspected by the names, these folks are not everything American, and much needed in Social Issues. Drop by for a listen or chat, because they shine a fresh light on an old subject and make it gleam. Be wary of Still-Here2, when she's not doing the alphabet in text , she'll snipe you like no other can.

Idiot of the day ---Tornado

Admin of the day --- Waiting-for-Godot

Nice person of the day --- NutyCrazy (for ending chatter about Mothers)

Quote of the day ---- Addydawn99: i have million dollar titties (Tattler's all time favorite )



So many times the link to the tattler has been posted in rooms---this reader has yet to be impressed. What a waste of internet space. When is the tattler going to get interesting or even entertaining?

The Tattler: It just did, we're laughing.


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