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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Los Angeles Times columnist, Joel
Stein, wrote a piece titled "Warriors and Wusses"

On Tuesday of this week, regular Los Angeles Times columnist, Joel
Stein, wrote a piece titled "Warriors and Wusses" in which he began:

"I DON'T SUPPORT our troops."

Stein goes on to explain that he is, "not for the war. And being
against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest
positions the pacifists have ever taken - and they're wussy by definition.
It's as if the one lesson they took away from Vietnam wasn't to avoid
foreign conflicts with no pressing national interest but to remember to
throw a parade afterward."

Mr. Stein told the news media today he stands by his column, despite
the controversy being generated.

Well isn't that nice.

Hundreds of thousands of men and women are risking their lives to
protect American citizens like Joel Stein from terrorist attack. They also
protect his freedom and rights to say asinine things in column and
laugh it all off with a smirk.

About the only thing you can say for him is that he is at least honest.
Those who have been protesting in the protests organized by MoveOn.org
against the war on terrorism really don't support our troops.

That's why instead of sending cards and letters of support to the
troops, they instead chose to heckle the wounded veterans at Walter Reid
Medical Center, or to travel the Jesse Jackson-Al Sharpton-Martin Sheen
circuit with Cindy Sheehan.

I'd like to ask that you explain to Mr. Stein how lucky he is that
these men and women have given such sacrifice and service. He obviously
does not recognize the importance of the war against terrorism. He
obviously does not realize that when you have al-Qaida bases in Iraq and
Afghanistan, where terrorists train to kill Americans, it's not so bad to
have our heroic men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces go in and do
something about it.

Mr. Stein's email address is: thejoelstein@yahoo.com

Please, be civil, but firm when contacting him. I would like to think
that if thousands of Americans wrote him a note explaining all the good
things our troops were doing, and why he should support THEIR MISSIONS
that it might make an impact on him and cause him to stop and think.

And next, please contact the editor of the Los Angeles Times, Mr. Dean
Baquet, and ask him why it is that the L.A. Times consistently finds
itself at the center of controversy for pushing a radical far-left

They've used their front page to attack Republican candidates, they've
used their editorial pages to urge support for liberal causes.

And now their columnists are urging Americans to stop showing support
for our troops.

Mr. Dean Baquet's email address is: dean.baquet@latimes.com

And his phone number is (213) 237-7001

I hope he provides us all with his justification of why one of
America's largest newspapers seems to continually champion people who root
against our nation.


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