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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Germany Spanks All Of Europe In IQ Test

Brits Found to be Smarter than the French on Average
The British are in 8th place and the French in 19th place according to a new European league of IQ scores. Professor Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster states that Brits have an average IQ of 100 while the French average IQ is 94.
The top IQ scorers were the Germans with an average 107 IQ. The Dutch, Poles, Swedes, Italians, Austrians, and Swiss also beat out the Brits. An IQ range of 85 to 115 is classified as normal while 145 or more is exceptionally gifted.
Professor Lynn whose studies have concluded that men are on average 5 IQ points smarter than women [SN reported], has also concluded that climate plays a role in brain development, specifically colder climates demonstrate an increase in brain size.
Source: www.theaustralian.news.com.au

Porn King Jailed

David Mason, 27, was raided by Vice squad officers and they discovered 5,000 obscene films and 16 DVD burners set up to his computer in his home at The Village, Charlton, south-east London.
Mason was stopped by officers in September.
He was running a large scam of video's and DVD copying operation from his bedroom producing thousands of copies many involved urination and various other degrading acts".
Mason pleaded guilty to a string of offences they included possession of obscene material for publication for gain, handling stolen goods and holding a fake warrant card.
He was Jailed for nine months.
Source: www.lse.co.uk

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Man Killed After Mooning Teens

Philadelphia, Pa - Martin Malone was killed by two teenagers outside the city of Philadelphia. The teens, Christopher McEneaney, (16) & Andre Mark, (18) spotted Malone sifting through trash.
The teens began to taunt Malone, calling him a "bum" and other names. Malone responded by barring his buttocks at them. The teens threw rocks at Malone, eventually stabbing him with a multi-tool & bludgeoning him with a shovel.
The two teens were arrested after witnesses provided police with a description of their clothing. According to Malone's sister Molly Munsell, he had been living with her for about a year.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Burger King Employee Arrested After Jumping Through Drive-Up Window to Attack a Customer

18-year old Michael Perez, a Burger King employee, was arrested and charged with burglary with battery after he assaulted a customer. The incident occured when the customer, Kevin Gillis, was attempting to pay for an order of fries.
According to Gillis's wife Dana,"He snatched a five-dollar bill from my husband's hand." Gillis & Perez exchanged verbal insults which escalated. Gillis attempted to drive forward, when Perez climbed through the window and punched Gillis in the face.
Mrs. Gillis & her children exited the vehicle, not before Perez attempted to hit her as well. Gillis jumped out of the truck and tackled Perez to the ground. Police were called and Perez was arrested. He remains held in jail without bond.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Inevitable March of Progress (But Watch Your Step)

India to become 'open defecation free' by 2012

March 26, 2006

New Delhi, March 26 (IANS) Come 2012 and it will be rare to see people defecating in the open in India. So claims Rural Development Minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, who went on to say that the country was set to achieve 'open-defecation free' status under the government's Total Sanitation Programme (TSC).

U.S. Planning Base on Moon To Prepare for Trip to Mars

HOUSTON -- For the first time since 1972, the United States is planning to fly to the moon, but instead of a quick, Apollo-like visit, astronauts intend to build a permanent base and live there while they prepare what may be the most ambitious undertaking in history -- putting human beings on Mars.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Bathtub for sale on Ebay from which James Earl Ray fired the shot that killed Dr. King


Friday, March 24, 2006

"Slow Doctor Response", Receive Free Movie Tickets from Hospital Emergency Room

Chesterfield, Va - Shortening emergency room wait times has been a nation wide initiative, but the newly opened St. Francis Medical Center in Virginia is attempting to fulfill on the promise.
The marketing department created an idea of offering movie tickets to patients. Emergency room patients are promised by the hospital that they will be seen by a doctor within 30 minutes or less. If not, they receive an apology and free movie tickets
The initiative is not without exceptions. If the emergency department has multiple critical patients or ambulances are diverted to other facilities due to over crowded circumstances. Patients will not receive the free incentive.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

THIS DAY IN HISTORY....Mar 23 1989

On March 23, 1989 the 300 metre (1,000-foot) diameter Apollo asteroid 4581 Asclepius (1989 FC) missed the Earth by 700,000 kilometres (400,000 miles) passing through the exact position where the earth was only 6 hours before. If the asteroid had impacted it would have created the largest explosion in recorded history.

Chinese Company Selling Human Organs from Executed Prisoners

"[Dr. Wang Guoqi] testified before the US Congress in June of 2001 about how he removed organs from 100 executed prisoners, and in one instance, was required to remove skin from a shot prisoner while he was still alive for use in a burn victim." ... "According to the article, the company brokers human kidneys obtained from executed prisoners, at a price of £23,000 ($40,000)."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pulled over in Kansas? Get ready to show your license, registration — and fingerprints

If you are stopped by police in Kansas, don’t be surprised if the officer pulls out a little black box and takes your fingerprints.
The gadget allows officers to identify people by fingerprints without hauling them to the police station.
Over the next year the Kansas Bureau of Investigation will test 60 of the devices with law enforcement agencies around the state. State officials said similar tests are being planned for New York, Milwaukee and Hawaii.
“This is definitely new,” said Gary Page, Overland Park Police Department crime lab. “It’s been talked about, but as far as I know they are not in use anywhere in the metro.”
The tests in Kansas are part of a bigger $3.6 million upgrade to the KBI’s statewide fingerprint database, unveiled Tuesday by the KBI and Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline.

Australian Strippers Win More Union Benefits

The Striptease Artists Australia union has negotiated better benefits for its stripper members. Australia's Industrial Relations Commission approved the demands by giving strippers rest periods, overtime, meal breaks and maternity leave.
"We've got rights to have public holiday pay now, which we've never had in our career before," said a union spokeswoman called Mystical Melody. "We've got rosters and set hours. We can't work more than 10 hours a shift."
"The majority of workers in the industry are women," Melody said, "so it's probably a really great thing for them to be able to feel confident of having a job after they've had their babies."

Tongue Bitten Off

Chad Ringo,29, of Celina, OH., had 30% of his tongue bitten off by his girlfriend Emily Mescher, 25. Ringo remains in intensive care after Doctors were unable to reattach his tongue.
Mescher is charged with felonious assault, and freed on a $10,000 bail.

Ringo is stated to be in fair condition at St. Rita's Medical Center.

Monday, March 20, 2006

THIS DAY IN HISTORY....Mar 20 1995 (click here for a list of funny last words)

Mar 20 1995

Last words of Thomas J. Grasso, executed in Oklahoma by lethal injection: "I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."

You forgot to flush

A snake has been found abandoned in a Sydney Airport women's toilet after a reptile smuggler apparently had a case of cold feet before facing Australian customs.

The one-metre green tree python, pictured, was found by a cleaner in a female toilet in the arrivals concourse yesterday afternoon.

Customs officials have no clues as to the identity of the smuggler but say the incident shows the effectiveness of tight security measures at the airport.

Cross-Dressing Septuagenarian ( A person who is 70 years old or between the ages of 70 and 80) In Lewd Bust

"Meet Samuel McGilton."

Lose Ten Ugly Pounds

"A man is being held by German police after walking into a petrol station with his wife's severed head in a bag." ... "Hamburg police said officers found the head in a bag on a grass verge and arrested the man, who was in a confused state and admitted killing his wife."

Ads offer to swap rent for sex

There's a new way to snag a roommate online: Have tenants meet a list of demands, including walking the dog, doing the laundry and having sex.
Upscale executive seeks beautiful female 18-24 to live in his luxury condo in Coral Gables for $1/month in exchange for some light duties. Help take care of dog, cook occasionally. Sex 2x/week. Serious inquires only. Please email a picture for consideration.

Funeral Parlor Robbed

A funeral parlor in Kazakhstan was robbed when two masked burglars charged in and beat an employee, Serik Sarsenbayev. They later nailed him into a coffin while they continued to rummage through the parlor looking for what ever they could steal.
Serik Sarsenbayev was later freed when a hearse driver came in and discovered him. The theives made off with approximately $23,000 US.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Man Throws His Own Penis at Cop

Jakub Fik, 33 years old, was reportedly smashing car windows in the 5400 block of W. Berenice Ave. in Chicago, Illinois. When police arrived on the scene, Fik was already bleeding and may have already cut off his organ.
Fik emerged from the house naked with a handful of knives and started throwing them at officers, along with his penis. "About 10 feet from the front porch, right on the sidewalk, was his penis," said Chicago Police Sgt. Edward Dolan.
Fik was charged with one count of criminal damage to property and two counts of aggravated assault, said Officer Laura Kubiak. "We took him out without any serious injury, with the exception of his own," said Chicago Police Sgt. Edward Dolan.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Oops: Baltimore Sun shows Cunt

(click above link for photo's)"A cute thing happened on the way to court-martial Monday. Baltimore Sun photographer Amy Davis shot Sgt. Jennifer Scala, a witness in a military prosecution of alleged Abu Ghraib guard misconduct. The uniformed Scala was photographed leaving the military tribunal carrying a book by Inga Muscio, Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, whose title epithet was clearly visible in the photo, which ran on page A3 of the newspaper yesterday."

Do not take upskirt pix of your students

WKMG-TV 6 Orlando | Submitted by: Welshboy
"A school band director arrested on charges of taking digital pictures up girls' dresses and skirts has been fired." ... "Investigators said DeJoseph secretly took more than 100 photographs underneath girls' skirts or dresses without their knowledge at Switzerland Point Middle School."

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Online Child Porn Indictment

"The federal child pornograpy indictment filed against 3 of 27 people from the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Great Britain accusing them of using a private Internet ‘chat room’ to facilitate the trading of thousands of images of child pornography, including streaming videos of live molestations." [Includes usernames.]

Caught with 1,067 baby crocodiles in his car

GEORGE, South Africa (AP) -- A man appeared in a South African court Tuesday after being caught with 1,067 baby crocodiles in his car.

Paul Gildenhuys of Cape Nature Conservation's environmental crime unit told the South African Press Association that the man faced charges of possession and transport of the crocodiles without the necessary permits.

There was no immediate information about where the crocodiles came from and where they were to be sold.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Drug trial creates 'Elephant Man'

LONDON, England -- Two men are in critical condition in a London hospital and four others are in serious condition after taking part in a clinical trial for a new drug.

One victim, whose head and neck were reported to have increased to three times normal size, was described by a friend as resembling "the Elephant Man."

Film exposes immigrants to Dutch liberalism

If you can't tolerate gay lifestyle, public nudity, you can't come

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The camera focuses on two gay men kissing in a park. Later, a topless woman emerges from the sea and walks onto a crowded beach. For would-be immigrants to the Netherlands, this film is a test of their readiness to participate in the liberal Dutch culture.

If they can’t stomach it, no need to apply.

Despite whether they find the film offensive, applicants must buy a copy and watch it if they hope to pass the Netherlands’ new entrance examination.

Teacher Bites Student After He Refuses to Spit Out Candy

Louisville, KY - 14-year old Garrick Hudson was allegedly bitten on his back by his teacher Caroline Kolb. The incident occured on Jan.11 after Hudson refused to spit out a piece of candy after being told to do so by Kolb.
Kolb has been fired by school officials and faces legal charges. She has plead guilty to aggravated assault charges. According to school administrators, Kolb had been previosly warned to avoid physical confrontations with students.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New Software Helps Color Blind People to Recognize PC Colors

A small defense contractor by the name of Tenebraex (Latin for "shadow") has develop software to enable color blind people to navigate the Internet. Charts, graphs and weather maps are a challenge for users who have trouble seeing in true colors.
The software, known as eyePilot, works by allowing the user to place the cursor over the area they want to view and eyePilot reports what the color is. Click on the color's name and all instances of that particular color will flash.
Several options are available to change color hues until contrasts are more easily seen. It will available on Monday and sells for about US$34. "It's a set of tools. It's a Swiss Army knife. You can use it yourself to decode color," said the CEO.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Wheels On The Train Go Chop! Chop! Chop!

THREE children have died after being hit by a train. It is understood the children, aged between five and 10, were playing on the tracks when hit by a Queensland commuter train on the Ipswich line, halfway between Goodna and Redbank stations, about 6.40pm.
The children are believed to have been distracted by a fireworks display at a nearby soccer club.

Serial Killer with Boob in Pocket Confesses

"More than seven years have passed since Wayne Adam Ford walked into a sheriff's station in Northern California with a woman's severed breast in his pocket and a confession in his heart."

1,000 Pound Man Loses over 600 Pounds

Patrick Deuel from Valentine, Neb, weighed in at 1,072 pounds in 2004 and is now down to 400lbs. He had gastric bypass surgery, which is a stomach stapling procedure.
Tuesday he had another operation to remove an 81-pound mass of fat and skin called a pannus. This was making it hard for him to walk. His doctor Fred Harris said, "If Patrick never lost another pound, I'd be a happy camper."
Deuel was unable to get out of his bedroom due to size and a hole was cut in his bedroom wall. He was unable to use a regular ambulance so one was dispatched from Denver.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Stripper Delivers Rob-o-Gram

"A retired salesman alleged a stripper and her friend beat and robbed him in his home. John Skinner, 54, said he was on his way to Bible study on Jan. 23 when exotic dancer Maureen Murphy, 25, knocked on his door and offered him a free strip-o-gram."

No finger chili? I guess I will have the mouse burrito

"A man has been charged with plotting to strike it rich by planting a dead mouse in a burrito at a Taco Bell restaurant. Ryan Daniel Goff, 20, was arraigned Thursday on an attempted extortion count. He laughed and smiled as District Judge Thomas Phillips read the charge."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Trick or treat? Fawn tries on pumpkin pail (click here for full story)

"In 27 years of catching stray dogs and scooping up roadkill, William Warrior, Palo Alto's veteran animal control officer, had never seen anything like the deer in Chia Wu's Los Altos Hills yard. It had a pumpkin head. A smiling, plastic orange pumpkin head."

British Bars Selling Sex Toys in Machines (click here for full story)

The pink Tabooboo vending machines that sell sex toys are a new trend for London bars & nightclubs. The machines are nothing new. They were originally used in public toilets throughout Britain.
Nightclub owner Geoff Todd stated,"Some buy the toys because they are a novelty, some do it for a laugh, some buy them as presents. It's been a great success." The machines have also began to appear in health clubs, salons, and retail stores.
A total of 30 machines have been exported, 10 to the U.S. and 20 to Italy. The machines carry 11 different sex toys and have an average cost of 5 pounds (euro 7.30, US$8.80) each.

Fire Chief Suspended for Having Sex with Lamb (click for full story)

An assistant fire chief with the Mesa, Arizona, fire department has been suspended pending investigation of an allegation that he was caught attempting to have sex with a lamb.
According to the report, the assistant chief knocked on both doors of his neighbor's house, and upon receiving no answer, took one of the neighbor's lambs into the barn and attempted to have sex with it.
However, the neighbor's daughter was at home and did see the chief take the lamb into the barn. She called her father who went into the barn and found the assistant chief with his pants down.

Comedian Gets on G.W. Bush Video

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Armed Woman, 75, Holds Up Bank

Police have captured an elderly woman who they say tried to rob a bank with a gun in West Mifflin on Monday morning.

15-Year-Old Killed When Sword Falls Off Wall

BRANDON - A teenage boy was accidentally killed Monday night when he was slashed by a sword that dislodged from a bedroom wall while he and his siblings were playing with a ball in the room, officials said.

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Debbie Carter said Joshua Hershberger, 15, was playing with his brother, 14, and sister, 9, when the accident happened about 8:10 p.m.

The three were playing in a bedroom at 101 Valley Drive, bouncing a basketball-size ball off the walls, Carter said. Hershberger and his brother were sitting on the floor when a 29-inch sword hanging on one of the walls fell, slashing him in the neck and shoulder.

Hershberger was taken to Brandon Regional Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. He was a sophomore at Brandon High School, Carter said.

No charges are expected to be filed, she said.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sperm donor must pay maintenance

A Swedish man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple has been ordered to pay child support for their three children.

In the early 1990s the man, now 39, donated his sperm to a woman in a lesbian relationship. She had three sons, the oldest of whom is now 13 years old.

Although the man signed a document confirming he was the biological father of the children, he told the court the women agreed he would not be involved in their upbringing in any way.

But when the women separated, the biological mother of the three boys demanded child support payments from the man.

He went to court but lost the case and the subsequent appeal before taking the matter to the Supreme Court, the highest appeals court in the country.

The Supreme Court has confirmed the earlier rulings, stating that the biological father is required to pay child support to the mother of the three children he indirectly fathered.

Man 50 killed and Fed to the Pigs

"A father of 50 was butchered and fed to the pigs by a couple in a bizarre love-triangle." ... "His torso was found on the Yorkshire moors. His former girlfriend told friends she had fed him to the pigs."

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Saturday, March 04, 2006


A MAN who claimed a chainsaw gang chopped off his legs did it himself, police said yesterday.

The unnamed van driver told them he was dragged from his vehicle by attackers who hacked at his legs with the saw before torching his Transit.

But police revealed they now believe he turned the saw on himself.

Retired policeman Jim Edgar, 61, found the man lying on the ground screaming at an isolated spot in Shilton, near Witney, Oxon, on Wednesday.

He said: "Blood was gushing all over the place."

A police source said: "It looks as if he did it to himself. The pain must have been horrific. God knows what possessed him."

Officers would not comment on whether doctors had saved his legs.

The man was still under heavy sedation yesterday.

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk

Woman Allegedly Faked Own Death to Avoid Traffic Charges

Des Moines, Iowa - Kimberly Du has been arrested and charged with forgery. Du allegedly faked her own death to avoid traffic charges. An anonymous person claiming to be Du's mother used forged documents to convince the court Du had died.
An arrest warrant issued for Du was tossed by a judge after the documents were received by the courthouse clerk. Du was stopped for speeding and driving with a suspended license on Jan.4th, enabling authorities to catch on to the the ruse.
After further investigating authorities were able to prove the supposed obituary never appeared in a newspaper nor was a funeral held. If convicted, Du faces up to two years in prison. Du is currently being held on $50,000 bond.
Source: wtlv.com

Friday, March 03, 2006


On March 3, 1991 African-American motorist Rodney King had been stopped in the Lake View Terrace district by Los Angeles police assisted by other law enforcement. King, who had a record of drunk driving and was believed to be under the influence of PCP, resisted arrest and was tasered, tackled, and beaten with nightsticks by four LAPD officers (three whites and one Hispanic). The incident was captured on video by a private citizen, and it became an international media sensation and a touchpoint for minority activists in Los Angeles and the United States. Eventually the Los Angeles district attorney charged the four with the use of excessive force in the beating. Due to the media coverage of the beating, the trial received a change of venue to a newly constructed courthouse in predominantly white Simi Valley, a Ventura County city. Contrary to popular belief, however, no Simi Valley residents served on the jury, which had been empaneled in Los Angeles County; the jury was, however, drawn from nearby San Fernando Valley. On April 29, 1992, the jury returned an acquittal on all but one count.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Teacher Faces Suspension after Student Urinates in Trash Can

Lesley Campbell, a teacher at Clearwater High School, Fl, faces a potential 10 day suspension after denying a students request on Nov 17 to use the restroom. The student grabbed a trash can and went into the classroom walk-in closet and urinated.
The school district has cited Campbell for violating a policy which prohibits teachers from exposing students to unnecessary embarrassing moments and making inapproriate remarks.
A hearing has been request by Campbell; which her case will he heard before a judge. Campbell stands to loose a potential $274 a day if the suspension recommendation is upheld.


A 7 year-old girl for some reason brought some
cocaine to her 2nd grade class. Appearantly, she
brought it into the school via her backpack. Due to her
age, her name has not been released.
The teacher discovered the drugs when she noticed it
being passed around by her classmates. The School
District of Philadelphia is waiting for the results from
the police investigator before any further actions, like
displine of the child.
Spokesman Vincent Thompson was quoted as saying
"We're outraged that some parent or guardian of a
second-grade student in Philadelphia would allow
their child to bring in powdered cocaine to a school."


Fairborn, Ohio - Co-workers Tyree Henderson & Trisha Lynn Esteppe elected to exchange wedding vows at the place where they work; "McDonald's". The two met each others there 3 years ago.
The wedding took place not far from the counter where customer continued to place orders.
Esteppe, stated "she could not imagine a more romatic spot for their wedding". A traditional wedding ceremony was performed in the establishment where a white aisle was laid on the restaurants floor.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Marijuana Package Mailed Without Address
MILL VALLEY, Calif. (AP) - A man who allegedly mailed a half-pound of marijuana without an address label on the package was arrested after authorities returned it to its sender.

Steven Coburn, 48, of Mill Valley was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of drug possession for sale and investigators found another 1 1/2 pounds of marijuana worth $10,000 at his home behind Tamalpais High School, said Det. Matt Lethin of the Marin County Major Crimes Task Force.

The private Corte Madera shipping company where Coburn tried to mail the package on Feb. 16 followed company protocol by opening the package to see whether the label was accidentally sealed inside, Lethin said.

"Once they opened it up and saw what was inside, they immediately called law enforcement," Lethin said.

Investigators said they are not sure whether Coburn forgot to affix the address label or it fell off, but it had a return address on it that led to Coburn.

He was booked into Marin County Jail and posted bail. A court date was set for March 8.

Source: http://www.davesdaily.com
Funny Throw Up Video

This Day In History-Mar 1 1969

While performing with the Doors, Jim Morrison asks the audience "Do you wanna see my cock?" then exposes himself briefly on a Miami stage. For thus showing his peepee Morrison received a sentence of six months hard labor.


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