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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tattler News Oct 08 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Saturday, October 08, 2005
An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.

On the subject of education, there is no one in Social Issues more degreed than our own Addy Pedant dawn. With a ten tasseled mortarboard atop her curly red locks, Addy listed her numerous academic achievements to a crowd of pea green participants in Spicy Cajun's room last night. Addy is not only an accomplished student, drug counselor, chatter, artist, doctor, lawyer, professor, politician, philanthropist and Rhodes scholar, the woman is also a professional journalist, and expert writer of technical and toilet papers. With a keen eye for grammar and proper English usage, our Addy demands that all writers who are courageous, wise, and honest will come forth, and declare themselves before her if they are to be taken seriously. Writers like Addydawn can still produce universal genius, and end world hunger and foot fungus. We are to be humbled in her ever-widening shadow. Crabfisherman took her to task, asking her to publish a blog, with her name attached so we all might know how it should be done. We'll be waiting with baited breath for her first instalment of "The World According to Addy". Crabby ran Addy off, because the man has a way of backing loud mouths into a corner with simple logic.

SpicyCajunPepper, opened a room last night, filled with fun, until favoritism took over, and friends of the powerful such as scarlet begonias were allowed to break all the rules. Jumping the mic is an unwritten law in Social Issues, and is embraced by most who attempt to control the insanity in all the rooms, but when so-called friendship negates order, chaos ensues, and so happened last night to a good room. scarlet, and a few others consistently, jumped the mic to prevent EyeAm from having a turn talking. There is no argument that EyeAm was filled to the brim, with more alcoholic fluid than a brewery, but this in no excuse for bad manners. There was nothing funny about the behavior of some, and if the powers that be were reading text, they would have seen just that. Saltspring demanded he be treated equally, but he was silenced when he tried. Yes, he is boring, tiresome, and without knowledge on most subjects he speaks, and even more so about Canada. Saltspring recommenced a book he was going to read, saying it was fantastic and the best read ever. Trouble was he hadn't cracked the cover. This must be a new way of critiquing, because in the old days, the book was read, before the recommendation. Canadians are taking up a petition to have him silenced, and they are hoping to toss Kevin in with the mix.

AceNYC is acerbic and intelligent, which can be a deadly combination when dealing with him. He uses words like "spurious" and "syllogism" freely, sending the masses searching for a dictionary, just to keep up. Last night DevinB tried to appear some what clever in Ace's presence, but it was like watching Custer at his last stand; all bravado and no brains. Soon, their conversation in text reduced itself to dueling websites, with Ace popping them out like Saturday night bingo balls at a home for the aged. DevinB was no match, and when his stuttering and stammering replaced anything comprehendible, it was all over. The "B" in Devin's name, must stand for Bombastic.

Boaz is back, and it's as if a dark degenerative cloud has returned to the land of sun. With his knapsack filled with lies, bigotry and misogynistic ways, it makes everyone in his presence want to take a quick and immediate shower to wash off the slime he leaves. Last night it was rainbows-end, and E Pluribus Unum who Boaz tried to verbally annihilate, but all Boaz successfully did was make himself appear the sad and lonely shadow of man he really is. There is almost a moment of pity felt for Boaz, but then in a flash, the light comes on, and you see someone not worth a quart of gorilla snot.

Dan the Alaskan cat killer is back with a new name. Mortie 2, and before angelhart says "that's old news", we never print anything based on rumor. Mortie/Dan is now more Lakota than Sitting bull, and that is exactly the way most see Dan; sitting and all bull.

Campingfool runs the absolute worse room in Social Issues. If you aren't a buddy of her's, a pal, a bum busser, and you dare to say a word that isn't in total agreement, you'll find yourself out of the room. She plays the old Starlyin game " What? I wasn't at my computer, I didn't see what happened. What is going on", every time trouble erupts, and when she discovers an illegal alien disagreeing with her best buddies, she'll boot the poor soul out. If you want to go into this room, check your brain at the door.

Has anyone noticed that when Crazy Cajun enters a room , her hand flies up like a fat girl's dress at the prom?

Greeneyes and allyoop were having an eyeball ripping contest tonight, but no one cared. As the two tossed barbs and bananas at each other from their locked cages, others in the room played songs, and chatted weather. Greeneyes harbors more animosity than the IRA does terrorists. The only thing about this woman's eyes that are green, is the envy.

Idiot of the day ----Boaz

Admin of the day ---Spicy Cajun Pepper (for a time)

Nice Person of the day ---crabfisherman (apology was made)

Quote of the day --- Budly: biggest killer of beaver is falling trees watch where you put your beaver


Well...I was going to write to you once before...after the "nice" blog...to tell you how great a job I thought you were doing, writing the Tattler. What I saw wrtten in early issues was good fun and showed us [those of us with open minds] that it's good to laugh at ourselves and perhaps we shouldn't take life as seriously as we often do.

However, it seems your tone has changed, and hence the tone of the Tattler has also changed. You seem not to be as careful about being accurate as you were earlier, even if you hurt some feelings in being callous. I am disappointed, mainly because I have been one of your staunchest supporters; eagerly awaiting each new addition, but mainly because you were callous and inaccurate in what you said about me in your Friday edition.

I had NO trouble understanding what Wee Alice was saying about rock vs diamond chips...I simply misinterpreted her reasons for being a bit upset...and I admitted it. As for being on the "short" bus...that was really kinda nasty. It took me longer than some to get my degree from college because I didn't even start until I was 36 years old...and had been out of school since I was 15. Very hard to learn good study habits when you have been out of school for that long but I did learn and I did very well in college. I could have finished sooner but I was was living with a man at the time who thought it was fun to get drunk and use me for a punching bag and I spent quite a bit of time on crutches and without a car to get to class. He also would burn my books and class notes when I was studying for mid-terms or finals. But...I got through it all...got out of that horrible situation and went on to get my degree. My extended time in college had nothing to do with my IQ, as you inaccurately stated.

Maybe before you make assumptions about people, you could do a bit of research...or even ask the person you are mentioning...and find out the truth, before you put it in print. Feelings could be spared that way...and your credibility wouldn't suffer quite as much. Just a suggestion...

The Tattler: You are absolutely correct. Please accept our deepest apology. Education is a gift, you are to be commended for your life accomplishments.



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