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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Without music, life would be a mistake.

If you've missed the expert trumpeting of Miss Sally OMally, then you've missed a most poignant and pivotal moment in Social Issues history. Today, Sally called Gabrielle home as Maurice André, Louis Armstrong, MilesDavis, Jon Faddis, Maynard Ferguson, James Morrison, Adolph "Bud" Herseth applauded her efforts and invited her into their hall of greatness. Today, KL, and Ravenn, were hosting a musicale in their room, titled "No Babbling Allowed" (best name for room, bar none), and the joy, happiness, and just plain fun that existed under the guidance of these two women is a lesson to all. Have a little fun, while you're at if folks, you only go 'round once. 10 Bears and MelodyLane danced to the delight of all, as Bear sang a song of sweetness to in Melody's ear. Possil, belted out a tune or two himself, and bearinchair regaled all with a very off key rendition of "Those were the Days", singing both the Edith and Archie parts himself. Everyone had a good time, and arrows were checked at the door, to be slung later to be sure, but for a brief moment in time, it was as perfect as pal can be. Gratitude and good wishes to these two women for accomplishing the impossible.

On the subject of fun, Tornado has to be mentioned yet again. This man has taken a good old fashioned thrashing from the Tattler, and each time it has happened, he has the good grace of a country gentleman in understanding satirical humor and laughing at it. Not only does he enjoy the content of the text about himself, but he laughs at himself as well. Although Tornado is perfect fodder for any writer attempting to approach farcical comedy, there is never success until the subject gets the joke. Tornado does just that. For all his foibles, there is a genuine quality in this man that can never be mistaken, it's the quality to rise above it all and find humor wherever he goes, and it doesn't take a gifted ear to know this man is genuine of heart and soul.

While we are spreading good news like bee pollen, there is no moving from the subject without a mention to SpudSpud; he's back. The man has finally found his boys, positioned them squarely in his pants, and his room is up and running in the style it once was. It was nice to hear a smile back in his voice, as he poked fun at the Americans, with just enough truth to make his audience think. Snapper is riding in the sidecar once again, with Wayne, scouting out the women of choice to dance on tables when the sun sets. Today this group of Europeans and wayward Canadians joked, and laughed, and spoke of silly as if it were tangible. Spud ran a good room once, and he'll do it again, where trivia fills the air, when topics of world interest need a rest. Glad to have you back Spud, you've been missed by many.

Flipping the coin, we turn to Buck_46, and his pathetic attempts to be the goodness and light fairy of Social Issues. Buck is one of those guys who assumes a voice of soft mellow tones instills trust in the listener, leaving him to passive aggressively attack the people he is talking to. No matter how he wraps the manure, it will still smell and look like exactly what it is. Buck wants to be a knight in shining armor, but old Buck is a clown on a mouse. Today, Buck said “it’s not nice to upset people." and he said it with a straight face. Buck, if ass kissing were an art, you'd be Picasso. Not long ago, in a room where you were trying to garner the good wishes of many, so you cut Conservative Atheist's throat without a thought, and when he called you on it , you played the typical dumb routine, twirling your tresses and mouthing "Who me?". As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle in October 1988, " Buck, I served with Andrea, I know Andrea, Andrea is nice. Buck, you are no Andrea.

Fonsie's “Thinking outside of the Box" room, must be the box outside of Voo's room. In this room gather the Voo toss-offs, with all their same soap boxes, but none of the fire and furry. Much like chili without the beans. Who can't get enough of “Kerry should have won", and “Bush isn't a good president" from the Mainstream room? Social Issues needs spin offs like Greeneyes needs envy. The Fonsites rehash the same subject day after day, with no end in sight. Much like a dog chasing his tail. Today, in the Mainstream room, Noooogie (so many o's), was ranting on the mic about something that no one was listening to, but he began to list topics and as the list grew, so did his mania. Soon he was like a kid without his Ritalin, running in circles with sharp knives, and no one could stop him. Imilac followed, and the frenzy continued with name calling, dotted with every four-letter word one person could interject into a simple sentence while still speaking English. Voo, cackled on mic, forgetting the name of the Vice President (DICK CHENEY), and blaming it on a lack of sleep, announcing he had not been to bed in over 24 hours. Karen Ever Present Dances ran to hold Voo's hand and whispered sweetly in his ear, “It’s Cheney, and Bush is the President." Voo, kissed her forehead, and allowed her to take a toy from his goodie box, for saving his brain bacon in a crowd. Karl sat in the corner weaving baskets, and mumbling “I am the smartest man in the world, I am, and I am."

Slammer, has traded in his recipe book titled; “101 Ways to Make Road kill taste Yummy”, for Angel Gracie's silver ball. Slammer told many in Kaboom's and Luan's room last night that "he knows things, and he sees things, and well, he just does, cause he does." When pushed on the subject, Slammer would say no more than he "knew" something about Mothers long before Mothers knew it, and he has known this since his old Grandmammy sat him down and told him so. The room was trained on his every word, until he announced he had muted everyone in the room, because they were not worth the snot on a gorilla's lip. We knew that Slammer, we really did. We knew that because, well, why we are telling you, you knew we would write this before we wrote it. If you're looking for an out of body experience, drop by and visit Slammer and his crystal balls. Playing nightly in the Bucketheads and Friends room.

While all the fortune telling was being told in Kaboom and Luan's room, Starlyin dropped by with a bucket of guilt for everyone who frequents her room, and were being disloyal to her by being in Kabooms, even though her room was not open. E Pluribus was defending accusations made against him by Starlyin, and instead of talking to the man and making her position known, Starlyin chose to leave the room and harass Kaboom in private messages, about the room being allowed to bash, smash, mash and maligned Starlyin in his room. No such thing happened, and everyone who witnessed this catastrophic child's play, knew just what was going on. In the battle of Pluribus vs. Boaz, Starlyin you picked the boobie prize.

Mothers is missing or lurking behind a Lakota bush waiting for the smoke to clear. Mothers is about as welcome in some rooms as the herpes virus is at a nudist colony. Dan, her man, has been going from room to room, selling off pieces of Mothers hide to the highest bidder, in hopes he can clear his name of killing cats with anti-freeze for fun. No such luck Dan ole' Man, you're a feline Jeffrey Dahmer. When it comes to this pair all that can be said is, "one is the windshield and one is the bug". Splat!

Idiot of the day --- Lord Merciful Voo

Admin of the day --- Ravenn and KL

Nice person of the day --- Tornado F_5

Quote of the day --- KL4308: well I will probably make the tattler later tonight when they put up a new one, lol

Really Stupid Quote of the day --- LUMlNOL: ive never heard CA say anything racist


Hiya Tattler~

Welcome back!

I'm sure you already know you've been missed, since you know everything! But I shall say it anyway.

I have been guiltily enjoying the accusations of a growing number of folks who think I am you! Truly, I am greatly flattered. And it seems the more I deny it, the more people believe it to be true. I have been banned from Spuds Europe room for some time now. According to a pm I got today from a Europe regular, Spud said that since Swan has been banned from his room, his room has not been mentioned in the Tattler, thereby proving that I must be the Tattler.
Hmmm. Can anyone fight such logic? LOL.

I hope you are well... and that your time away was energizing and renewing for you. I need some time away myself.

Bye for now.

The Tattler: A true friend stabs you in the front.


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