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Monday, October 10, 2005

Tattler News Oct. 09

The Social Issues Tattler

Sunday, October 09, 2005
The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Grunto has become so insecure in the greatness of his room, he's pandering to the whining and whimpering of the ever present bellyaching campingfool. Today this repulsive repiner had the temerity to chastise Grunto on the running of his room, and topics therein. She complained about not enough Katrina chat, and too much Iraq banter. Campingfool attempted to cover her fecal filled conversation by spraying a goodness scent in the air, " I like your room Grunto, it's just that, well, you seem to have had some memory loss of late, and in my room, we --- blah , blah, blah." This woman could find fault with Jesus Christ himself. Grunto was no better, because he allowed the foolishness to go on ad nauseam, even though regular participants of his room, were begging for him to shoot the squirrel out of the tree. Instead the squirrel gathered up her nuts and ran to open up her own nut-shack. Interestingly, she named it "Coffee Shop without an Agenda". Not only did she rip the name right off of Grunto's back, she had the effrontery to invite people from Grunto's room, and then proceed to rag on the man. Campingfool is one of the people who are destroying good rooms in Social Issues. This morning she simply could have opened her own room, and spoke on any subject she so chose, but instead she attempted to make Grunto seem dottier and failing in hopes her room would grow in numbers. She offered up what she assumed was a better room, but all it could ever be was a cheap facsimile of the original. When Grunto's gonads resurface, his room may return to the enjoyable chattery it once was.

Topping the horrible room list, is CharlesNewYork's "Unfair and Unbalanced" room. Charles is the unfair one, and some of his breast friends are unbalanced, but he prides himself in both areas. This room is worse than campingfools, because Charles cheers the hate, as long as it's not coming his way, or the way of his second banana Sally OMally (witwit). Conservative Atheist was in the room saying most of the things decent people don't think, but making the point it was his right to say them. Everyone who disagreed with CA, said things far worse then CA was saying, but they were too stupid to see it. Shamrock said "shamrock911: Maybe Nelly is a "chubby chaser" Greeny...lol???", (sadly Shamrock you fought for an education you fail to use. You are no better than the man you decry when you repeat the words you abhor). "CharlesNewYork: nelly come to the mic or get the **** out", (this from a man who complains incessantly about being bounced from rooms", and more trash from Greeneyes (to filthy to print), SodaPop Girl, Vixee (What a shame this intelligent woman has jumped on the juvenile wagon), and others. Take 5 did a brilliant job of pointing out the foibles of the followers of Charles, but all fell on deaf ears. Take5 challenged Goddess to a debate, topic of choice, time and place to be determined. Las Vegas has odds 100 to 1, she'll never show. If you haven't figured out the plot as yet, here it is one more time. Charles buddies up with one woman, then others, playing the pimp to the princesses. This gaggle of gabbers open a room, romancing the first few participants for numbers. Then Charles invites a controversial speaker like CA, for instance, and so the melee begins. When the room gets substantial, Charles dons his armor, hops on his white stallion, and plays Prince Charming to his damsels now in distress, because they can dish it, but they can't take it. This room is everything a chat room shouldn't be. Many may not like Conservative Atheist, but at least he allows people to speak or be in his room without a security check from El Al Airlines.

If you missed the star-studded opening to Slammers "Everything you need to know about keeping your woman down on the farm" then you missed the event of the year. This truly was a backwoods, 18th century, frock opportunity. Slammer's position on women's rights, is they don't deserve any, and all a man needs to control his wench, is a big enough thumb to keep the little woman under. Slammer, spoke eloquently on this subject for some time, and even gave out tips on how men can give their own wives the litmus test of obedience. What Slammer does, is give his little Stepford wife say $20.00 (now this is just a hypothetical scenario, we are sure Slammer wouldn't trust the bank with a twenty), and then you say " Don't you dare touch that money til I's gets back, y'a hear?".Then Slammer leaves by the front door, sneaks around to the back door, and watches his woman drool droplets over Jackson. When Slammer decides to end the obedience training lesson, he enters the house, dons his Marquees de Sade K-Mart collection clothes, and puts his women in the heel position. The mind boggles at the number of women jumping off cliffs today, because Slammer is taken.

Speaking of amazing gentleman in Social Issues, a cretin by the name of Moop5, attacked KL4308, because she asked him to stop playing sound bytes of comedy acts in her room. His response to this simple request is so repulsive we won't print it. Campingfool and Moop should get along just fine when it comes to telling others how to run their room. Another bossy Bertha is Windy. In each room she enters, she immediately attempts to take over, buy a hat, reshuffle conversation, or just be nosey. Will a time come when people can participate instead of postulate.

Conservative Atheist and Isabellah (Adolf and Eva) were both wearing freshly laundered sheets with pointy hoods when they wandered into a room last night discussing race relations. As you might have suspected, Conservative Adolf was in his glory. Even though the Dali Lama himself would be forced to beat Conservative with a stupid stick for most of his comments, a dear and devoted Isa Eva stood by her man. " Oh Adolf, be sweet now to the Jews, they were named for jewelry, and you know how I love shiny things (giggle, giggle)". When the owner of the room, creolelady, made a harmless statement saying " all you whites", Eva Isa ceased the moment to berate creolelady for being a racist. Is Isa really this dumb? Conservative Adolf says more vile things in ten seconds than this poor woman ever dreamed of saying, and yet Isa Eva jumped to the defense of her Adolf.

Joan_30, is a grand woman, and if you haven't crossed her path, you must. She made the most brilliant statements last night that bear repeating. Joan was in a room where endless voting barbs were being tossed as usual. "You didn't vote for Kerry, well , you must be an idiot." or " Bush, what moron votes for Bush." Joan took the mic and in a few short words reminded people that the right to vote is a privilege many died for, and whoever you vote is your business. If only they were listening Joan, if only.

SpicyCajun had another good room last night, and for clarification it is her room in name only. She neither cares to wear a hat , nor will she. She just wants a place to put her feet up and enjoy. There are others who don the derby of disciple for her, and this makes her happier than pigs in a puddle.

Idiot of the day --- Campingfool and CharlesNewYork

Admin of the day --- Rykielle

Nice Person of the day ---Joan

Quote of the day ---- NotNeurastheniac: I'm sensing tons of chemical intervention in this room...am I right? or am I right...


Now, that is interesting. You knock me for attempting to better myself intellectually, yet you praise Shamrock911 for the very same thing. I knew you would drone on about me. I can always assure myself a place in your rag.
You totally reversed yourself on your opinion of me when you praised Shammy. A great many people owe me a lifetime green nic because I bet that you would have much to say about me. You can't keep your foot out of the mud, can you? You fall for it, every time. LOL!

Thank you!

The Tattler: I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public


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