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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Social Issues Blabber
Setting the record straight on the REAL shenanigans of social issues!!!
Friday, November 18, 2005

In a land far away - somewhere discreet, just short of a treacherous gravel path....

Greetings and salutations!

It is with giddy head abound with glee that I present to you the first edition of the BLABBER! - Oh joy the times I have sat here itching to have my say about the daily tomfoolery. Well now is the time *sinister laugh*......

Firstly I will make comment to the Tattler, whomever they may be. It has been most humourous at times keeping abreast with the daily antics on social issues via your blog, but you do tend to fill in the gaps and make merry scandal where none had previously existed. This makes you as bad as those you seek to condemn. You favour someone one day, Yet crucify them and throw them into an unmarked grave the next, I cannot respect that one iota. The fact that you do this whilst presenting your written word with the appearance of educational skill could only impress those poor souls that lack a decent education of their own.

I must now move on and make comment on those who make a daily pilgrimage clutching their early morning 'cawfee' and medication to read whatever comments the Tattler has seen fit to spew forth.

Many take what they read in good stead, allowing a good mix of lively comment and humour to back up opinion. Others simply go berserk and make short work of biting their way through their restraints to attack people that have been besmirched on the Tattlers page! These people are pathetic, the dregs of social issues, all taking delight in the fact that someone has been slagged off and throwing more petrol into the flames, thus creating a veritable inferno - SHAME ON YOU!

There can be no greater piss ant than one who goes after someone else because they believe all they read in an egotists blog! - Yes Tattler, I called you an egotist, you are also arrogant and self serving.

MelodyLaneNoBrain is a classic case in hand for the disgusting way she saw fit to trash and bash Tornado f5, having read a character assassination in the Tattler. This specimen decided it was the gospel itself and set about calling Tornado all the shit eating scumbags under the sun over the care he provides for his pets. I don't think it will be too long before a big shaggy dawg in the neighbourhood approaches you Melody - you sound like a bitch and should be treated accordingly. Leave people alone if all you have as ammo is a blog! you silly braindead piece of filth.

CrazyCajun is someone else regularly taking a beating on social issues by those people who think they are above everyone else. She is a nice lady, never does anyone any harm, yet is repeatedly lambasted and torn apart for people's own merriment. These are the kind of people that pull the legs off of spiders so they can delight as their power becomes greater. You snivelling cowards wouldn't last two seconds with those mouths in the real world. You are cowards. I hope CC has a wonderful break away from the evil of social issues.

I am bored of the same arses being hauled over hot coals on a daily basis. There are far worse people to grace social issues than those always commented upon. Personally I find a quick slap keeps most people in order, there is no fun to be had pissing on someones carcass ad nauseam. No sport if the animal lays dead.

Onto the goss..........

Boaz and Starlyin make their fair share of headlines, and you know what? it bores the crap out of me. You don't have to frequent any room that has people in it you cannot stand, does that make any sense to you? Hmmm one has to wonder sometimes.

It has caused quite an amount of controversy of late that Boaz rang Zakjan's home in the early hours of the morning and piped the answerphone into a room. Well it isn't so long ago that Boaz had a prank call of his own, and he threatened to involve the local law enforcement, the sherrif, the Pope, a fleet of passing clowns on unicycles, and Uncle Tom Cobbley and allllll and Uncle Tom Cobbley and alllllllll... He was told he had won a large sum of money and he was heard to scream in a girly manner when confronted with such a life changing prize. Sadly this was also piped into a room (though not on social issues) and I dare say this is the root of all evil and the reason why this poor excuse for a man needs to harrass a woman with a family during the night. It can't be much fun being subjected to ridicule wherever one roams, Hey Boaz? As for Starlyin, she gives out abuse and receives abuse, so if you don't wish to be on the receiving end - Don't dish it out people, it's as simple as that. If you expect a woman, any woman to sit back and take the crap that Starlyin gets without repercussions then I suggest you put your pc back in its box and ship it to someone that can make good use of it. She may not be worthy of a role as a fairy on top of a christmas tree, but many of the people that attack her don't even know christmas falls in December! ;)

It never ceases to amaze me how many 'chatters' run to the room admin everytime a spat gets out of hand, when they have been ranting at someone for the best part of an hour hahaha.......Deary me. If you don't want people talking about your private life, Here's an idea - DON'T BRING IT TO THE PUBLIC ARENA! - All this 'he is mentioning my personal life blah blah blah' is the biggest crock of shit EVER!, It isn't rocket science you know, you don't need to be a direct descendant of Einstein himself to work it out.....Stop the wailing and gnashing of teeth EVERYTIME you get beaten to death by your own drama!. (No names were needed here, there are so many that subscribe to that particular social issues downfall)

PossilFossil the dear kilt wearing haggis tossing Gentleman from afar is currently looking to patent a spray that wards off wanton women, he has at his disposal a harem that would make any debonair young man about town green with envy - How does he do it? Well the key word here is Gentleman, Possil is a credit to this godforesaken program, May he never change! It is sad to learn that the Woman at the helm of the harem shouting most loudly for PossilFossil's attention is the very Woman that offends him most - If you're reading this Mothers, he's not going to flip you over and do you Lakota styleeee, so please go and set up your stall elsewhere.

Rumour has it that Goddess of no things has thrown her handkerchief down for some unsuspecting Englishman to pick up......Sadly not only was the handkerchief left to sink in the mud, but a puddle was also splashed into her face by a passing bandwagon, There there Goddess - put down the broken vodka bottle and stop wielding it toward anyone who dares to say 'hi' or 'bye' to 'him', the love has longsince turned to dust - along with your womb, So please find a more befitting hobby for a woman of your considerable years - like knitting or something. The abuse you hurl when your brain is swimming in a sea of cheap booze is a toe-curling and bizarre experience for any unwitting spectator. Marriage wrecking is an equally distasteful hobby to partake in. Here's an idea, stop expecting your ex Husband to support you and keep you in booze for the rest of your days, get off your arse and go and find someone you can hold in the real world. I realise the only time you have a wet patch on your mattress is when you retire in a drunken stupor clutching the bottle and the lid falls off during slumber, but nevertheless you should seek a real person with a pulse - They can work wonders, even on the oldest hag on the block.

Kevin the Canadian moose has recently been escorted out of social issues by his collar, rumour had it that it was infact Kevin British that had tootled off to the great gay club in the sky, but alas it was not he. Despite Kevin the Canadian moose writing his own account of what occured it didn't stop 27,369 rumours swiftly circulating down the halls of social issues. These rumours range from telling a red@ to go fornicate himself - to doing the do with a small furry animal live on cam. What stuff and nonsense! I sometimes forget that I am frequenting rooms with fellow adults, honestly I do. To those of you that wished it was Kevin British I am sending a big *GUFFAW* in your general direction. He will of course remain as loud and proud as ever, and rightfully so!. I hope those of you that were too quick to jump to a conclusion here can get a refund for all the bunting, booze and assorted snacks you purchased for the party.....

Addydawn has recently seen fit to air her private life on a mic to all who cringed and squirmed as she proceeded to reel off the spine chilling saga that marks the end to her marriage. This was very brave of you Addydawn as surely you understand the news you so willingly shared was not a part of a counselling session, but divulged in front of a bevy of drunks, cut throats and vagabonds! - The day social issues becomes a place where it is safe to bare one's soul is the day that we will see Bin Laden popping into the local supermarket for a packet of ciggies! Really Addy, you roly poly blubbering fool, did you really HAVE to be so candid? I am touched to hear that you got custody of the lil furry thing but did you seriously think that 'Hubby' would want to hang onto your pussy when he's found a new one? God no!

Scarlet Begonias is keeping a low profile thesedays, with her captivating giggle and glittery smiley face missing, social issues is a much duller place. The Blabber hopes that she is well and hasn't met with an accident by plugging her bucking bronco dildo into the mains for too long or something. She is a breath of fresh air, even if she is approaching 30 without having ever soiled her hands with manual labour, I say you go girl, if you can make your body work for you, then who are we to judge? - I must ask though, what's the pension plan like?

Anthony_K has let it slip that he used to be a scriptwriter. One has to ask how in the world this man has ever managed to secure gainful employment when he has the IQ of a squashed lentil. I think it's fair to say that he has created somewhat of a smokescreen of BS from which to spout self importance, but sadly the only people that give him any credence are fellow escapees from the asylum. Anthony_K is a wankstain on the quilt of life, nothing more, nothing less and should be treated accordingly by all who are unfortunate enough to encounter this loud, jumped up, self proclaimed man. Someone took the mic in a room a night or two ago to tell everyone how annoying Anthony_K's voice was - the general reply was 'Who's Anthony_K' - which pretty much says it all.

Spudspud has had too much coverage already on the Tattler, but it would be impossible not to mention this loud mouthed shed dweller who lives in the land of the free, the VERY free. Well listen Spuddy, it's not free just because you happen to pay everything with your giro! The good folks of the land actually PAY to keep you in gnomes and potting soil, yet you hate them all with a passion not even yet invented!. When are you off to join your beautiful hairy wife with the vocal finesse of Ian Paisley in the land of all that is tragic? She is very proud of you for being a real man and is not ashamed to tell rooms of people packed to the rafters, in all your years on this earth you have managed to not only reside in a shed, but build it with your own fat hands!, she got so moist about it we had to canoe our way out of the room. It is going to be a harsh winter in England this year I am told, I do hope you have enough balaclavas to see you through!.....If not please have a word with Goddess, she is taking up knitting if she has any sense. (If? haha)

The rooms on social issues have left a lot to be desired lately. It can usually be a given that CampingFool will have her room open, but if you want to partake in a debate this is certainly NOT the room to go into. No shoes, No shirt, No Topic, No $200, No fun.Camping told the good folks yesterday that due to the fact that the coffee shop wasn't open, Old Joe and Godot et al could use her room to discuss politics. She went on to say that she wouldn't usually discuss politics which poses the obvious question dear Fool - Why in the name of arse do you open rooms in social issues? You do not belong there at all, so pack up your perverted ex lover and head for them thar hills, you are mindnumbingly boring and look like nana mouskouri after a good kick in.

A new room has appeared in the last day or so - 'Halloween's over, get rid of the scarecrow and tinman'! - wow the winter evenings must simply fly by in the house of the person/s that came up with that little nugget of pure genius! I think it is a fair thing to say that Halloween is definately NOT over judging on the amount of witches and ghouls gathered together therein! Never let it be said that the cauldron boils dry on social issues, we may be out of season for pumpkin carving, but there are certainly enough faces that look like they have been carved out with a knife...

And so, I sign off for now but fear not mere mortals, this is just the tip of a very catastrophic iceberg..........

Yours - The Blabber.


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