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Friday, November 11, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Thursday, November 10, 2005
The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.

Please Join Us at 7:00 PM EST & Tell Us How We Can Improve the Room & What You Think of Our Admins & Other Chatters!

This was posted today in Mainstream Politics. This sort of posting to the Socialites Issues is like announcing to a drunken submarine fleet that women-of-the-night are coming aboard, and everyone has free passes to the delights of devilish bed hopping. Many people attended the Stupidity Summit, but after a few moments of :::handshaking:::, and promises of peace, the gloves came off, the whining began, and bloodied noses were abundant. Voo, it's never been said you can't command the attention of an audience with intelligent and cogent remarks. Many times your words are thought-provoking and humorous when you choose to go that route, but like an Arctic hi-way, that road is seldom travelled. You can't stop yourself from heckling, humiliating, and berating, everyone who doesn't agree with your position on everything from God to goldfish. When this happens you attack with a malignant maliciousness that would make Hannibal Lector fetal himself in a corner. You shoot a screeching cackle (no witch comment, Voxy will shout foul), to punctuate your opinion and dot the entire experience with a show from your goading and baiting turnips.

(Democracy is defined as: The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community. and Believing in or practicing social equality)

Since you asked.

Practice what you preach. If you believe in democracy, as you say, allow everyone equality of thought. Yours is no greater, nor important, than those who oppose you.

Stop the accusations, condemnation, blamings, diatribes, sarcasm, tirades, tongue-lashings, vilification, vituperation, and just plain old being a son-of-a-bitch, because you can.

Clean up your room, the text is so vulgar and hateful, you make Larry Flint, look like Jesus Christ himself.

Rise to higher ground, and stop acting like trickling water that seeks the lowest level.

Your admins don't monitor your room, what they do is kiss the ass of friends, and castigate everyone else.

Karl (this is one cracker jack without a prize inside) is your chief offender, and if you don't believe this, ask people who are not in your circle of sycophants.

Most importantly... STOP the filibustering on mic. Imilac, Noogie, Karl and yourself, feel that what you have to say, must take and hour. If any of you can't say it in three minutes, than you are not worthy of the word intelligent. Form your comments, say them, get off.

Save your dotting and sarcasm for room raiders, music players, and jack asses. Opinions should never be shouted down, or dismissed, just because you don't agree.

Today Jacquie_2 was bounced from your room because? You didn't like her words? How democratic of you. Swan Songstress, entered your room and without saying a word to you, she was attacked on mic by you. Room participants were not only allowed, but encouraged, to accuse her of everything from bestiality to boredom, and you led the attack. You hounded her with intrusive sexual comments, and then had the temerity to put in the banner to your room " How can we improve". Are you on crack? Then a woman named Melody Lane was vivisected by Karl, because she told him he was rude for jumping the mic over Moses Knows. Karl's reply to her was the endless screaming, sound-breaking, rant of profanities,of a red-neck who just found his last beer missing. You jumped on the side of Karl, laughed in text, as you watched the emotional rape. You didn't stop it. You loved it. The woman didn't sling profanities at Karl, but he kept pounding away at her (only pounding with a woman he'll ever get). Then Karl did as he always does, he threatened her with a bounce from the room if she didn't shut up....all for saying he was rude and a liar, of which he is both. She was then dotted. Point, game, touchdown, and that Sir is the reason your room is a pile of shit. Clean it up, take away 99 of the 100 hats you have given out, let the people talk without ridicule, and silence the vulgarity, and bumper sticker comments that only serve to cause a fight. As the hooker said to the priest--- You can do better , I know you can, why not give it a go ?

On second thought, Mothers you deserve it all

Out of 50 people in Starlyin's room heckling Mothers, Iliad was the only one with enough brains to speak to Mothers properly. Iliad, take a bow, you are a decent man.

JoJo is the new Social Issues counselor. She floats from room to room, profiling personalities with the skill of an armless man catching fish.

Tornado was telling a group of women in "Europe and the rest of the World" about abortion. Tornado, have you been on the stupid sauce again? Talk about walking into a motorcycle biker bar and screaming " I'm gay and I want all of you to know you are bad , bad, bad boys." The women of the room nailed Tornado's nuts to a stump and repeatedly kicked him backwards. Tornado, next time, wear the kevlar jock when you decide to tell women what to do with their bodies.

Isabellah is now running the best room in the evening. Well done, and you are much better by yourself, than hitching your wagon to TowTow.

Idiot of the day ----Karl

Admin of the day --- Isabellah

Nice person of the day --- Lord Merciful Voo ( he's trying, can't ask for more)

Quote of the day --- tickles_m_: oh fuck off bee you loser (What was that about "nice" you said?)


Dear Tattler,
Your wrong again as usual. Not only do I not roam the halls of paltalk at night. I don't drink. Do you think you could not twist conversations ? You missed the whole point of what Shammy was saying. Stay long enough to get the real drift of the conversations or don't come in the middle of one thinking you know what it is. I still like the tattler, but I will point out to you when you have a conversation screwed up. Especially if your in Stephanie233's room.

Thank You,


The Tattler: Okay, let's go over this one more time. " In Social Infishtation today, Crabfisherman, Shamrock, and Ravenn shared booze anecdotes, while comparing IQ's. Shamrock said her IQ is 168, (must have been taken on a big scale at weight watchers). Shamrock also said "Most alcoholics are the educated " when confessing her own battle with the bottle. That must leave drunk for the dumb. This room needs to be renamed "Crime of the Sauce".

shared as defined by Webster: To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns. (You participated)

anecdotes as defined by Webster: A short account of an interesting or humorous incident. (Crab and Shamrock both had stories to tell.)

Hey Einstein, where did it say you drank booze, was an alcoholic, or a dunk? The entire conversation consisted of Crabfisherman discussing is overflowing trash can of beer bottles, and Shamrock empathizing with her own trip down Johnny Walker Lane. You Ravenn were endlessly bitching about "The Tattler" misquoting you on your bedtime, which was corrected in a follow up blog 300 years ago, (which you failed to mention in your email). The rest of the participants sat silent. Appreciation for the poke, and we'll stop screwing when you start grasping.

The Tattler is taking a break from this hateful shit.


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