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Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Friday, November 04, 2005
Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.

Just when Tornado's name had been packaged carefully, and put on the shelf for safe keeping, down it comes to be hurled into the stupid pile once again.

Today in "No shirts, No shoes, No problems" Tornado revealed that his long suffering dog was, once again, attacked by another dog running loose in the neighborhood. This poor suffering beast (the dog not Tornado) has been subjected to this torture ten times in the past, and with all the ripping and tearing , bleeding and bruising, and pain, Tornado does nothing to secure the animals safety. Tornado you mental midget, you admitted that the dog was terrified to go outside, yet you shove the dog out, leave her there and as you said " Tornado_F5: MY DOG CAN DEFEND HERSELF PRETTY WELL". Are you insane? What part of common sense are you missing, aside from the sense? If a dog is attacked 10 times in a year, she can't defend herself, and that is your job. Instead of caring for this dog, you park your ass behind a computer, beer, and cat piss, and let the dog be chewed by marauding dogs with owners as irresponsible as yourself. Sensibly Forward, donnaspl, campingfool, Melodylane, and others, tried to talk some sense into Tornado, campingfool: get off pal torn & guard the dog for 8 hrs, but he would have none of it: Tornado_F5: WHATEVER. When humans reach the lowest common denominator of humanity, they abuse animals. Tornado, you have limped and whimped from room to room in Social Issues carrying the banner of decency , as you pretend to be devastated about a friend in a hurricane, while at the same time you allow a poor defenseless dog to be abused by you and other dogs, when all you had to do was watch the dog. You are pathetic. Then you scream " I have a wrist rocket, and will shoot those dogs in the head." Whatever a wrist rocket is ,might we suggest you ram it up your ass and fire away, and watch your dog smile.

Fonsie has a room "Fonsie's Safe Haven" but it sure wasn't so for Still-Here last night. Fonsie had fortified himself with fifty or so flaggards of ale, and with Tom (Bob Dylan) Joad holding him up , they played anti war songs, to feed their fantasy that they actually give a shit about the world we live in. Still-Here took the mic, and proceeded to play a rather nice tune, and was dotted by the drunk Fonsie. It seems Still had committed the unpardonable sin of disco. Fonsie slurred himself through a few unintelligible sentences, and then it was Still-Here's turn. She dressed down Fonsie, and then called Tom Joad an old fart (paraphrasing, what she said was far funnier). Fonsie jumped up, slobbered another sentence or two, and booted Still out. What a miserable display, from someone with the audacity to name a room "Safe Haven" and then shoot his silence gun at the very people who have kept this sinking ship afloat. Tom Joad finally spoke up when Still-Here had been booted from the room: Tom Joad: that has to be the first time i have ever commented on a woman's youth that was chosen to be taken as a insult, what a pissy attitude?. What a cowardly act he performed. Not only did he sit silent for the brow-beating, but then he attempted to blame the female for not being complimented when he tried to belittle her with his " you are too young to understand what we men of war know". Well, bullshit to that Tom, you hide under the flag of freedom, but where you really belong is in a tree, collecting nuts and storing them for winter.

Tzvikah was boring a few to their death with his endless verbal tours of Israel. As the room snored, Tzvikah said, " We have spectacular rocks here, and old ones too. The dirt is nice, and the buildings the best in the world. We sell things, we buy things, we (long draw off of a cigarette) eat things, we chew, we finish, and we watch the moon. Did I mention we have a moon here. We have lakes, the oldest in the world, and one even has salt in it. We are getting radio free Mongolia next week, along with something called mail. Our rocks are old, did I mention that?" ( the sounds of bullets blasting temples (not the Israeli ones) could be heard in the background.

Fhoto, get over the cankle thing. You've carried it on long past it's due date. Sure, we understand you want to impress scarlet, and who wouldn't, she's lovely, but stop pulling your pants down every time she enters a room. Oh, and Fhoto, if you are truly a physician, who is running the practice while you play in Social Issues.

Dr. Fhoto, I've been feeling horrible. Chest pains, dizzy, swollen ankles (pun intended), unable to catch a breath, lethargy .....

Dr. Fhoto
Could you shut it, I'm on Pal Talk and scarlet just came into the room.

But Dr, I think I'm dying, I can't, can't (last breaths escape from the lungs)

Dr. Fhoto:
Can't you keep it down, scarlet just said vagina, and I'm harder than ten day old bread in the sun.

Cyndy UK opened her "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" today, and as always it was a sheer delight. Anthony K has to be a wayward Python, because he had the room in stitches. He goaded the Americans, until they wanted to tie a rope around his neck and dunk him in the Boston Harbor. Testosterone began to run like the bulls in Pamplona, with Buck leading the red handkerchief brigade of idiots. Buck the Minister of " Let's all be nice, I'm never not nice" took the mic and tried to badger Anthony with excessive name calling and character attacks. Buck was no match for the wit and wisdom of Anthony, and much like the demise of William Wallace, Buck was drawn, quartered, and hung in the town square for pigeon poop collecting. What is that saying? --- Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. " In this one Buck, you didn't even have a sharp toothpick.

Tiddlywiddly aka angyred, is running the halls of Social Issues with scissors and the word "niggardly". Each time he pokes his head in a room and shouts "NIGGARDLY" the poor bugger is bounced out on his arse. The word niggardly is not a racial epithet it simply means: Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip. Not that angy isn't more annoying than sand in your shorts, but on this, and only this, point he is correct.

Diogenic spent some time today explaining Royalty to the Brit's. Which is a bit like Madalyn Murray O’Hair telling the Pope about God?

It's seems to me, that Royalty when successionfulling or personages parading tiaras and crowns and such, is archaically antiquated and ..... Let me ask ,if you Brit's, British, English, Great Britoners, see the majesty of Her Majesty would that dim the brilliance of say, the elusion of the majesty monarchy... And would the monarchy be royal without the royals, or would they simply be Americans with accents. In 53 A.D, Crapitosious of Excrementious left the lands of our Roman forefathers, or mothers, to be correct, with five goats strapped to his or her back, looking for fulfillment in lands far, far away. Are these lands ours to seek, or should we ponder plundering for the crown. Is the crown really a crown or is the King the crown? Interesting if you think about it, don't you think?
The Brit's sat silently but for one --- yorksman_1: Gaze upon thy destiny, with this sword I will cleave your lying maggot mouth from your swine head

Newsflash: Stefhaj doesn't pee in the bath.

Truman has jumped ship in the Social Injustice room, because Lexislauren bounced his friend 1tallm for making sense (or so Truman says). Truman's briefs were so bunched by this hat atrocity, he grabbed his own chapeau, returned armed and dangerous, and sent Lexislauren careening down a hill of horror. Goddess, and others, ran after Lexis, and carried her bruised and battered ego to another room. KL stayed by Truman's side defending his right to bounce at will, even though she is sick to death with all the bully bouncers in Social Issues. From her lips to room owners ears. We can only hope.

sincere41: Hey,Rob,Torn,Buck,chet,Drew,Jann,Theo,Still,Joan,isa,chelle,blue,John,prefixed,lanny,take,tanasul, Dio,corporal,Frisson,pecos,shelly,Dwn,Melody,teddei,lola,car,Tattler,evil,Vic,jacquie n Addy, Hiya Anthony !!! Who doesn't love this woman ? Her entrance to any room, simply makes it better.

devil woman 1_1: I'm mad because they won't write about me!.... Are we forgiven?

Idiot of the day --- Tornado

Admin of the day --- Cyndy UK

Nice person of the day --- Anthony K (this guy is hysterical )

Quote of the day --- Athena_1066: how much philandering can you do if your hung like a cashew?


Poor Starlyin. The Tattler has once again roasted her like a Christmas ham, and sent her ass packin. The poor woman attracts less people than a trash can of half eaten chicken wings at a run down KFC with a sanitation grade of C. And now her soul mate Boaz "live with my mommy" Frankel is getting hammered on more than a HUD project in the ninth ward of New Orleans. When will they ever learn that people want to be free to chat without the control of a nazi regime. It's always been my understanding that an admin hat was for hosting a room, not as a weapon to be used like a sword of power. But what the Hell, it makes for a good song.

Keep up the good work Tattler

Runnin Fer Cover

The Tattler: Are you The Tattler ?


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