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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Every fool finds a greater one to admire them.

For Starlyin only, because she's too dumb to understand satire. Listen up Starlyin RED TEXT IS QUOTES, and the rest is satire. Do you need note cards on your mirror with intructions on teeth brushing?

Starlyin, so The Tattler lies about you, does it? You danced around that little comment last night, trying to insinuate that "personal information about your real life (is there a fake one), has been published in The Tattler". When your feet where held to the fire about your fallacious comment, you said " No, not my personal information, but personal things about me. Whoever writes the Tattler knows me, has met me in person, or they wouldn't know these things." Well, Starlyin, you're one nut short in that peanut factory you call reality. There has never been one word of " personal information" printed in the Tattler, but you spew out grandiose mountains of garbage in hopes that some of your mindless followers will believe it, and once again you will be the victim. "Boo Hoo , they are picking on me. It's always me, they talk about." Here's a new flash for you, YOU talk about THEM. The difference between you and the Tattler is, what we say is on a page forever more, what you say is a flash in the pan, and deniable within the hour (which you do). You have tremendous problem with comprehension. We never wrote you said anything about Greeneyes in the "Half Past a Monkey's Ass" room, the reference to you and Greeneyes was about (and try to understand this, we will type in one syllable words where possible), you constantly talking about Greeneyes in your room. Whenever humanly possible you sneak in the opportunity to malign the woman. Something like this:

Anyone; Hi Starlyin, how are you today?

Starlyin; Today? Greeneyes is a pig, I hate her, that's how I am today.

Anyone; I had a nice sammich for lunch

Starlyin; I told you Greeneyes would slit your throat if you talked to her. How can you eat a sammich?

Anyone; Looks like rain.

Starlyin; Rain, don't get me started on Greeneyes and rain. She's the cause of the draught in my life.

Anyone; Well, the grass is greener with all this rain.

Starlyin; I told you, and everyone in my room, NEVER, mention her name to me.

(anyone has been bounced from the room)

Starlyin; See, I knew that was Greeneyes in here causing trouble. She hates me, and I never did a thing to her.

And stop smirking Greeneyes, you are no better. The pair of you are like two ugly stepsisters fighting over the glass slipper. Time to wake-up and realize you both have fat feet, and the Prince isn't coming to your castle.

Boaz, We'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice. Nah, let's try. Boaz you are a disgusting pile of sheep shit, with the intelligence of a rock, the sex appeal of foot fungus, and the vocabulary of an incoherent blathering hospital inmate. At an elegant dinner party, Lady Astor once leaned across the table to remark, "If you were my husband, Winston, I'd poison your coffee." Churchill immediately replied: "And if you were my wife, I'd drink it." Nothing bespeaks better of you Boaz than those words. Anyone who has been in your presence for more than five minutes ,would down the poison like shooters at a frat party. You sit among a gaggle of women, never noticing you are the only wiener in the bean pot.

WyldnClasy, what can be said about this woman, that hasn't been written in the "How to fake a Southern Accent Poorly" papers. Today, she stuffed her oversized feet into fuzzy slippers, slung a pink boa around her neck, and sashayed into sr dude's room to deliver a pan of freshly fried foolishness to all participants. Waiting for Godot and others were discussing world affairs, and WyldnClasy quickly offered an opinion. "Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream."

Godot and sr. dude aren't doing too well with the women of late. MeMother and Lady ZB, tried to take them to task on political issues, but since both these women still think wars are fought with muskets and mallets, there wasn't much of a conversation. MeMother did tell Godot that she would never back down from him, and he'd better know that right now. MeMother , look over your shoulder, you're sitting at the bottom of the knowledge barrel with no place to go but up. Lady ZB had nothing to add but for " yes, right, yes, I agree, you tell him MeMother, I agree, yes," Admiration has to go to these two tongue twisting Chubby Checkers fans for starting with nothing, making nothing out of it, and ending up with nothing. MeMother left the room disgusted, waving her cotton granny pants in surrender.

Saltspring said a relative of his invented the Robertson screwdriver. Yes, and scarlet begonias and firewoman have joined a Tibetan monastery for the study of abstinence.

sr. dude and grunto were entertaining the British contingent this afternoon. As the boys cleared away the dishes and coffee cups from the morning crowd, the Brits got into a deep discussion in the corner.

How blest are those who know that the brotherhood is a sacred. How blest are we. We the brothers (and sisters) of the Brotherhood shall find consolation. How blest are we of gentle spirit. We shall have the earth for our possession. How blest are we the brotherhood who hunger and thirst to see right prevail.

CyndyUK :
Speak up!



Well, I can't hear a thing.

...spirit. The brotherhood shall have Social Issues for their possession.

Let's go t' the stoning of Spud.


You can go to a stoning any time.

Oh, come on, Kevin.

Will you be quiet?!

How blest are they who have suffered much to get into the Brotherhood...

Don't pick your nose.

I wasn't picking my nose. I was scratching.

You was picking it, while you was talking to Cyndy.

I wasn't!

Do you mind? I can't hear a word he's saying.

Don't you 'do you mind' me. I was talking to Anthony.

Well, go and talk to him somewhere else. I can't hear a bloody thing.

Don't you swear at the Nandon.

I was only asking her to shut up, so I can hear what Goast is saying, I want to join the Brotherhood.

Could you be quiet, please?

We shall have Social Issues and all of Pal Talk at our command...

What was that? Oh shit , I have to go, the liver is burning.

I think it was 'Blessed are the Jesuslanders.'

Oh, I do hope so, them Jesuslanders do deserve something.

Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of Bible products.

See? If you hadn't been going on, we'd have heard that Papasmurf.

Hey. Say that once more; I'll smash your bloody face in.

You're not going to thump anybody. I've got a hat.

I'll thump you if I like.

Oh, shut up, Papasmurf, you blue turd.

Oh, it's the Greek! Blessed are the Greek! Oh, that's nice, isn't it? Feta Cheese will be happy, 'cause she's been having a hell of a time.

Oh, come on. Let's go to the stoning, Feta said the rocks are free.

Idiot of the day ---- Starlyin

Admin of the day ----sr. dude

Nice person of the day --- Cyndy UK


Forgive my bothering you with something you may find rather tedious, but I feel moved to say whilst I always find your daily missive a delight, today for the first time I felt a teeny tad bit cross at your mentioning the left hand, not once, but twice, in rather unsettling scenarios. The first time was within a list of negative attributes of certain chatters...and I was with you all the way...I really was....until I saw left handed amongst the scornful rhetoric....I would have preferred to see nefarious or mendacious in its stead - both of which apply to the aforementioned chatters one would think...the second mention was as regards how CA employs his left hand...the visual that came to mind, almost made me see my porridge again (going by your spelling, I would think you are American, ergo, may not know we English eat porridge for our brekkie). I mean, when that picture came to mind - all I could think was euwwwwwwwwwww, ick and yuck! CA the polemicist, is a misogynist who is only happy when spouting verbal diarrhoea....Freud could have writen rheams about him - alas Freud, like Monty Python's parrot, is no more.

Being the intuitive luminary that I know you to be, you will have worked out that yes - I am indeed of that happy band of left handed folk...which is why I found it distressing to be lumped together with such reprobates in such a negative way. I know that not all left handed folk are without a stain on their character - I mean, Bill Clinton (ahem) was proof positive of that!!!! but if one tempers the list with such notables as Lewis Carroll or Marylyn Monroe (to name but two of a HUGE list of left-handed movers and shakers) I feel sure you will agree, that we lefties are just ordinary people struggling against a tide of dismissive folk whose thought processes are contaminated by educators and the ignoramous whose agenda is driven by fear of the unknown, because we are the minority. I must add here, I do NOT put you in either category; I comfort myself with thinking that you are clearly right handed yourself, so would not have known that reading about left handedness in such contexts would occasion one to reach for the smelling salts.

Cripes, feel heaps better, now I have got that off my ample chest...thanks


The Tattler: Which one is the left hand ?


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