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Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful

Someone left the door open to Crazy Cajun's cage, and she's roaming the halls of Social Issues again. Tetanus shots will be handed out in all rooms with an X'd CC over the door. Crazy has managed to have herself banned from the Social Injustice room, run by Greeneyes et al. Now admit it folks, it has to be the ultimate insult to be told by Greeneyes that you're not acceptable. That's like the turd telling the fart he stinks. After listening to Crazy for two minutes, Mother Teresa herself would have used her crucifix to beat Crazy until she stopped nattering incessantly, and the Dali Lama would have broken his silence to scream " Shut up woman, for all that is holy." Sadly, neither of these folks, living or dead, could stuff a sock in this woman's pie hole long enough for her to be silent. Crazy was seen standing in the doorway of the Gondor room, with a gun pointed at her head, and screaming " Don't move or the idiot gets it". Over the past few weeks, The Tattler has collected a few of the memorial moments from Crazy's life conversations, so buckle up, sit back, and welcome to our nightmare.

Crazy: He's probably just hibernating.

Hey, watch this!

I'll get a world record for this.

It's probably just a rash.

I wonder where the mother bear is.

These are the good kind of mushrooms.

This doesn't taste right.

This planet has an atmosphere just like on Earth.

What does this button do?

What time does your husband come home?

I'm going to go over and kiss that cute tiger

It's not loaded.

The water will break my fall.

I wont tell anyone.

I don't need a helmet.

Addydawn is back and making friends and influencing her enemies once again, namely Starlyin. Last evening there sat Addy, smooshing and playing nice in Starlyin's room, and tonight she's sitting in Social Injustice calling Starlyin and Crazy Cajun predators in Social Issues. Addy, the great white doctor, did another of her instant diagnosis, and proclaimed both of these women as losers, seeking funds from unsuspecting giving souls. Addy went on to say, she knows their type, and can pick them out in a crowd, and Starlyin definitely fits that bill. I can't imagine how Addy keeps all of her faces straight, as she waddles from room to room playing people as if they were the fools she contends them to be. Starlyin might be someone people choose to dislike, but by no means is the woman dishonorable. Shame on you Addy, for taking your dislike of someone to an all new low.

KL is attempting to admin a decent room, but sadly she hasn't the ovaries to stand up to Greeneyes. KL was telling soft_mousey tonight, that if Greeneyes shows up in the room, soft will be bounced. What soft has done to the Greeneyed monster from Mackerel Land must be heinous indeed, since mousey does nothing but speak of food. Maybe mousey suggested Greeneyes partake of a large dose of humble pie. Come on Greeneyes, what are you so pathetically afraid of, that you are bouncing people like bingo balls at a fish fry.

KL and Ravenn had their room open today, but unlike yesterday, it was so boring that everyone in the room fell fast asleep. Shamrock, Angell Heart, and Diana, were talking about their dogs, well not dogs really, they refer to their pets as their "children", their " babies", their (insert hurling sounds), "daughters". Can you imagine the expression of the doctor's face as Shamrock grunted and groaned her way to giving birth to a 2 pound Bichon Frise. Diana said " D_I_A_N_A: oh I was gonna say, have your doggy go for grooming at the same time you do" (yes, Diana, we concede, you are a spelling genius "gonna"). This is what every woman aspires too, sitting next to fido having a peticure (spelling intentional for you Diana you spell freak checker). Drop by tomorrow when these three inspiring brainiacs discuss "Furballs, a growing concern in the suburbs".

Iliad was room hoping today, and if you're too thick to catch his amazing sense of humor, your missing one of the truly great people of Social Issues. Not only is this man a comic legend amidst throngs of anal retentive's, he's also intelligent, and can discuss a variety of topics with any number of people. His cousin isn't half bad either.

SmartArse, we have testicles, and for $19.99 we'll send you a picture.

Just when you think testicles have been found, they slip away again and roll down the embankment of integrity. SpudSpud and his Europe, Land of the Free, room has fallen to another new low. Spud has banned Swan Songstress from his room, because he knows for a fact, that Swan is the writer, editor, and chief distributor of the The Tattler. Spud, like many people in Social Issues, who say they know who the writers/ writer of the Tattler is, you don't know shit from shineola. Swan defended your room in emails to the Tattler, and you are a fool for blaming her, or others, for the downfall of your self-centered, braggadocio, room steeped in your need to attract the attention of women who wouldn't give you a look in if you came dipped in gold and shooting dimes out your ass. Get over yourself Spud, stop blaming others for your failings.

Swan on the other hand, has taken the lemons tossed at her head by Spud and made a delicious drink. She's opened up a room titled "Europe and the World", which is everything Spud's room once was, tried to be yesterday, but failed today, and will never be again because he is too cowardly to let anyone in. Swan's is a good room, filled with people like Cyndy UK, Anthony_K, Stefhaj, gazunk, diogenic, Nandon, Goast, Wayne, and many other bright, intelligent, and kind folks.

Joan_30 and firewoman were discussing dildos last night, and if you live to be 1000, you'll never want to experience that again. There are certain things a woman shouldn't do after a certain age; wear a pink thong bikini, dance the macarena in a short skirt, play with Barbie dolls, call their dogs their daughters, show their breast for beads, and discuss dildos. We are not saying what Joan does in the privacy of her own home is not her business, but for all that is sacred, keep it private.

Rob517 is back, beware he might sing.

Slammer is being accused of writing the Tattler, and we must be honest and tell you the gig is up, Yes, folks, the secret is out, I Slammer is the writer of The Tattler. Between penguin plucking and making toast with toe jam, Slammer writes the Tattler. Spud, you know have your reason for the season of your discontentment. Let the games begin.

A great website has just opened up, and comes highly recommended by the Tattler. It is funny, has some great links, and you'll laugh for hours. If you are sensitive, do as we here at the Tattler suggest, don't read it. If you like a good laugh, please visit http://www.best-world-website.com/main.html

Congratulations to SpicyCajunPepper, she was the 10,000 visitor to The Tattler site. A pizza with the works is winging it's way to her, along with our never ending gratitude. Thank you Spicy, and yes, you and we are tighter than a frog's ass underwater.

Idiot of the day --- SpudSpud

Admin of the day ---Swan Songstress

Nice Person of the day ---- Nandon

Quote of the day ---- gazunk: I complained to Prime minister Martin that I have not been mentioned in the Tatler. He said it was because I did not vote for him.


Dear Dummy:

You missed the second portion of my quote; it followed in another line of text:

"I've never heard CA say anything racist..."

"... compared to what I've said."

(Ask the fake black lawyer what I've said to him in his own room.)

And btw, what pissed off Starliar in Kaboom's room was the fact that I kept texting, like 5 times: "Here's a topic: teenage abortion." And, "How about this topic: My 13 year old is preggy; should I let her have it?"

If you're gonna do this rag, you need to pay attention.

Your vile subhuman,

The Tattler: Well golly gee (hick) that clears it up.


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