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Friday, November 04, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Starlyin is angry and never wants to be mentioned in the Tattler again.

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

The dictionary describes a fanatic as: A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

The Tattler describes a fanatic as Starlyin. This self-proclaimed beacon of benevolence has less heart than Hitler, when it comes to her attack on people she deems enemies of crown. If followers, friends, or foes don't bark to her commands, she will stalk them as if they were a prize truffle under a flowering tree, rooting around with her sizable snout until she unearths every tidbit of information possible to use in her war on control. Joan_30 also has her nose to the ground for the cause. Joan travels about Social Issues, and reports back to Starlyin in an attempt to garner her favor. When Joan isn't scouting out ammunition for Starlyin's turd balls, she is hurling hand grenades at an unsuspecting soul like Possil, (who wouldn't hurt an annoying mosquito in a Mosque), as he sat quietly in Starlyin's room listening, contributing, and participating. Joan meandered to the mic and dripping with Dutch courage, and took pot shots as Possil with her twisted tongue. Joan declared that "in other rooms" she saw " some people who are in this room right now, blame you and me Star, for Mothers leaving pal talk. I forget their names, and what they said exactly, but I know they said something, I just don't know what." What a humongous pile of horse shit Joan. What in the world do you accomplish by sticking thorns in the paw of the angry lion? Your gutless fawning of Starlyin is because your fear of being set adrift from the only place you find companionship in Social Issues is unthinkable to you. Everyone can readily understand and support that emotion, but there is no need to bring the head of Possil to your Julia Caesar for the privilege.

Today Starlyin sat hatless in sr dude's room, while E Pluribus, (her once friend, now foe), was discussing various topics with the people. It was polite, and interesting until Starlyin started with her never- ending diatribe of " E Pluribus is the writer of the Tattler" lies, and then stated her constant mountainous misnomer; satire must be truthful. Starylin took the mic pontificating about integrity, and liars, while she whined about people trying to control her life, and thoughts, and who her friends were. E Pluribus took the stage next, made no mention of the innuendo flung in his face by Starlyin, but instead he said as an editor in good standing for many years, the writer of The Tattler, had no obligation to be "truthful" as Starlyin had just stated, but rather the writings were satirical and parodies, and exaggerated points must be made for the sake of humor. Starlyin would have none of it. She knew better than editors, dictionaries, linguistics and eytomologists.

One more time Starlyin --- Satire: Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

Even when the dictionary definition is laid at her feet and encircled in candles, Starylin is still unable to comprehend it's meaning. Since Pluribus didn't support her erroneous take on writers, Starlyin ran out of the room, grabbed her hat of courage, and returned to silence E Pluribus, then rail against him when he couldn't respond, and then tossed him out of the room. Isabellah, jumped on the side of right, and said on mic, that Starlyin was wrong, had no right to throw Pluribus out, and that Isabellah herself had a hat, and could very much use it in the inappropriate way Starlyin just had. To accentuate the point, Isabellah left the room, donned her derby of determination, but was slow on the draw. As Isabellah entered the room, hands glued to six-shooters hanging from her hips, Starylin shot her between the eyes before she could wink.

This display of complete and utter pediatric behavior is one of the reason Starylin is prime pickins' for parody.

Starlyin, you blather on about greeneyes, and then cry about her "attacking" you. What do you expect the woman to do , when you yourself can't let it drop? You add daily to the names notched on your six shooter, of people who have displeased you in some way or another. Good people, kind people, and mostly loyal friends of yours. Jannhere comes to mind, Pluribus, Isabellah, Mothers (if you were the friend you say you were), Kaboom , WitWit, CharlesofNewYork, and more. You continue to make childish comments about others in a fake Southern accent, as if changing your accent, releases you from all responsibility of the words said. Do you really have to wonder why people "talk about you"? It's because you talk about them , and talk about them, and talk about them.

You are a professional victim Starlyin. When the tiniest morsel of gossip hits the drum of your ear, your ears perk like a starving fox at the bay of a lamb. Your constant comment is " Were they talking about me? I bet they blamed it on me? Everything is my fault." Well Starlyin, here's a news for you. They really don't give as rats ass about your constant complaining and curmudgeonry. If you would lay down your arms, the battle would be over, but you insist on slinging arrows at them, and then you are shocked when they sling them right back.

Get over yourself Starlyin. You are no more abused, used, attacked, criticized, blamed, castigated, judged or lambasted more than the next person in Social Issues, but the difference is others can laugh, forgive, move on, and forget. You just whine.

You and your pet chimp on a chain invite the hate and ridicule heaped on you, and it is richly deserved. Boaz is your buddy, and your buddy is a degenerate and a pig. The next time you want to ban something from your room, why not start with this poor excuse for a human. That might be the first step in the recovery of your soul.

So, as you stand on your mole hill of morality, integrity, and decency, turn the mirror and have a good look at yourself. You will see a hypocrite and a liar staring back at you.

(In Starlyin's fake Southern accent)
The Tattler:
"Ooops, did I say that ?"

Idiot of the day ---- Starlyin

Abuse of admin privileges of the day---- Starlyin

Not nice person of the day ---- Starlyin

Quote of the day ---- Starlyin: E Pluribus Unum has been bounced from the group ----- Starlyin: isabellah-1 has been bounced from the group


Don't be a shithead, of course the email was public. You know you really fucked up with the mail bag issue. Goatlove tossed you a crumb and asked the question about email privacy, allowing you to prevent your own little hell of getting emails from only people who do not trust you. Not looking for a thank you, it don't pay the light bill, but who killed the Yellow Dick Toads?
Kindest Regards
Goatlove, soon to evolve into Fishlove

The Tattler: Your words to us are never tossed aside lightly, they are thrown against the wall with great glee.


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