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Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
If you can't ignore an insult, top it, if you can't top it, laugh it off, and if you can't laugh it off, it’s probably deserved.

Hat's flew in admiration of Isabellah, who indeed, can laugh at it. Isabellah is the sort of person only a fool could dislike, and the fools are few in Social Issues when it comes to Isabellah. This woman is much admired. Our gratitude goes to Isabellah who understands satire and parody.

On the flip side, we have camping fool, the woman who put the fool in foolish. In her room today, hours and hours were spent on Camping giving out legal advice much like Voo does, but without his limited knowledge. Lexislauren tried to sue the mega-corporation Wal Mart, for a slip and fall incident. Lawyers (the real kind) have been heralded from on high, but it seems Lexislauren's seven hundred dollars were poorly spent, because the lawyer said "Sorry , no go". Camping, who is an expert in the spending habits of the feebleminded, offered up unwise and not so sage advice? Possil, Pluribus, Frisson, and others tried to toss logic on the fires of stupid burning brightly, "TheePossilfossil: let it go lex," but the estrogenettes would have none of it. Nadiafl, made more sense than birth control for fruit flies. "NadiaFl: Your damage of being "hurt" does not mean that it involves you getting compensation for it". Lexislauren, who retained legal counsel, had this to say " lexislauren: whats retainer mean. Sometimes the game is being played, long after the lights go out.

Starlight, Starbright, the first Star I see each night. I wish I may, I wish I might. Say "The Tattler" in your room tonight.

A five thousand shekel reward has been offered to anyone who can click on the "Mainstream Politics" room, and not hear Karl blathering on the mic. This loquacious loud-mouth wind-bag makes the Hindenburg seem under inflated.

Crazy Cajun and SpicyCajun were huddled in a corner chatting. They were whispering and all we could pick up was a bit of the chatter.

A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as de slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is de slowest and de weakest ones at de back dat are killed first. Dis natural selection is good for de herd as a whole, because de general speed and health of de whole group keeps improving by de regular culling of de weakest members. In much de same way de human brain can only operate as fast as de slowest and weakest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills off brain cells, but naturally it attacks de weakest and slowest first. In dis way , regular consumption of beer eliminates de weaker brain cells , constantly making de brain a faster and more efficient machine. I am sure you have noticed dat de more you drink de smarter you get. Now you know why .

Not only the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowls, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u.

Ya want a bit of crawdad pizza?

Driller50 has now been written about in The Tattler, the less said about this, the better.

MothersBruleSioux is sending smoke signals to Dan, informing him she'll be by his side in a few short weeks. Her excuse for her Johnny Horton "North to Alaska" foray, is that the airplane ticket she purchased when love was bountiful and beautiful is non-refundable, so the ticket will be used for Mothers to visit her cousin in the land of ice and snow. Mothers will be making a stop at Dan's door uninvited, and in her words, " If he slams the door in my face, he can do it, I don't care, let him do it, I'm a strong Lakota woman, and I don't care, I don't care, I don't, do I Dan, Dan come to the mic and tell them I don't care." This Lakota and Alaskan summit will be the equivalent of Custer's Last Stand when Dan flings open his front door and screams "Holy Shit, where did all the fucking Indians come from."

Speaking of animals (and who can't when Dan the cat culler comes to mind) big mama pat rescues horses and donkeys. She has a small spread of a few acres and has given it over to the care and feeding of abused larger animals. Respect in reams goes to you Pat.

WeeAlice had her much talked about surgery today. The Tattler wishes her a speedy recovery.

Idiot of the day ---- Lexilauren

Admin of the day --- Goast

Nice person of the day --- big mama pat

Quote of the day ----campingfool: i need someone to admin while i talk to lex (Run Forest Run)


What a hoot to see my note to you in the public arena today; what a relief you took it in the spirit I intended. Such kindness cannot go unrewarded; I simply can't let you go through life not knowing which is your left hand, so let me share the visual mnemonic I used, to teach my daughter left from right, which is: hold your hands up in front of your face, palms outwards, and the hand that spells 'L' - THAT is your left hand!!!!!!!!! I do so hope that will be of use.


The Tattler: Easy for you to say, you have opposable thumbs.

Mailbag: again, again

Good use of the "Life of Brian" script.

Nice one Centurion............ like it.

Best regards

God (not the Messiah just a very naughty boy)

The Tattler:

God is listening. A question God, if you don't mind. The duck-billed platypus, was this a joke, or were you drunk ?


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