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Monday, November 07, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Sunday, November 06, 2005
In a far away land, long ago, lived the Europeans. Many years had they longed for happiness and finally their wish was granted. A chat room was created, and they called it Europe Land of the Free. And our story begins on that most joyful day.

Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long awaited Royal birth of Europe chat. And good King SpudSpud and his Queen Snapper made welcome all to their room. People from all lands came, and fondly these monarchs dreamed one day their kingdoms to unite with the Americans. Princess Cyndy, Princess Jacqui, and Princess Eleanor Rigby, were the loyal womb wenches.

King Spud adored the beautiful women, but Strawberry Juice (the ugly old jealous hag) was spewing green juice of hate, for she wanted the hand and land of the King. In a secret Greek ritual she concocted a stupid potion for King Spud. As King Spud sat silently sipping he in a dumbfounded daze, his testicles were snipped off by Strawberry Juice.

Strawberry Juice (shouting to the room, and waving Spud's nuts wildly in the air)
Listen well, all of you! Swan Songstress is indeed grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. Eleanor too, and Cyndy, but before the sun sets, all will be gone. (waving Spud's nuts in the air).

Seize that creature! (Strawberry, not the nuts)

Strawberry Juice:
Stand back you fools. (disappears up Spud's arse, laughing)

Don't despair beautiful ladies.

But ...

Sweet people, if through this wicked witches trick a room shall destroy. My gift to thee is to build a room, better than this. And remember, when ever we think of Queen Feta Cheese, we say "Fiddle Faddle"

(Crowd leaves Europe room on mass, gathering in "Mad dogs and Englishmen" chanting, "Fiddle Faddle, Fiddle Faddle, Fiddle Faddle.)

Strawberry Juice: (as Europe rooms empties, abruptly stops laughing, angry) Fools! Idiots! Imbeciles! Oh, they're hopeless. A disgrace to the forces of evil. My pet Spudykins, you are my last hope.

SwanSongstress sits around a campfire with her fellow Princess's and friends singing "Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to Goast's we go",

Doc (AnthonyK)
Happy (Wayne)
Bashful (Nandon)
Sleezy (MelodyLane)
Sleepy (Ronnie)
Grumpy (Stefhaj)
Dopey (KevinBritish)

Queen Feta Cheese sits alone with her nutless wonder King Spud, in an empty room. (King Spud mumbles, where did they go)

Queen Feta: (ignoring King Spud as she rolls is nuts in her hand )
Magic Mirror on the wall, Who is the most stupid one of all?

Magic Mirror:
Awww, come on Feta, do you really have to ask?


Speaking of escapees from the Spud Shack, Eleanor Rigby ran a wonderful room today, sans the anal bead moments . EleanorRigby: I forced my anal beads on roadrunner - he got sick GodofSmallThings, was sniffing under Eleanor's tail, which drove Goddess to the depths of distraction, and a purse slapping of the highest order broke out. Eleanor was armed with a Hermes, while sadly, Goddess had a Wal Mart bag. Goddess was angered by Eleanor's admin skills, and was insulted with some comments in the room directed at Goddess. This, of course, was equipotential to a barracuda being insulted by a minnow. Anyone with the tiniest bit of insight knew the two women were not fighting about words, but rather the pants on the floor--- God's pants. The Tattler suggests you split custody of him, half the year his penis goes to Goddess, and the other half, it lies comfortably in Eleanor's hands.

WeeAlice made her way to the mic to defend her friend Goddess, but she was chomping so loudly on gum , or food, or her cud, that nothing she said was audible. It was more the sounds of a cow with a hoof stuck in the mud. She did manage to say that no one should ever speak about another's child, referring to Papasmurf's comment's about Goddess' children. Although, The Tattler, agrees with this policy completely, these women (and some men), and their gang of gossipers, have sat in rooms laughing hysterically while Starlyin's children have been raked over the coals. I guess it only hurts when it's your children being attacked. When you don't extend the courtesy, don't ever expect it back.

Women's rights, motherhood, and feminists, were bandied about for a short time, with Possil jumping into the fray, Thee Possilfossil: a womans carreer is homemaking , i feel. Possil, thinks barefoot and pregnant is a woman's first duty, putting herself aside for the servitude of others. This was a dandy thought in 1654 , but times, they are a changin'. Sensibly Forward said she's shocked women divorce today because they are just "unhappy" .... I guess Sensibly divorced for happiness. Kirseygirl, Kirseygirl: the largest population of homeless are women and children who, by and large, are escaping domestic violence situation, and firewoman, the only two females in the room with an ounce of sense, explained that women need to be educated, and self supporting in today's world, otherwise they may suffer the fate of many a female who relied on a man for her future, and found herself knee deep in poverty and problems.

Tornado said he once whipped his 'tally wagger" out on cam for a woman. He also had the unmitigated gall to chastise the room for improper grammar. Here's and idea Tornado, how be you clean off your own dirty doorstep of dog death, before you try to correct someone else. Not only was this mountain of moron attempting to educate, he went on to fight a losing battle with the Canadians.

After the anal bead chat, a bitch tree pissing contest for the only male dog in town, insult slinging that would make Voo of Vooville pale, the War of 1812 broke out, bayonets and all. It truly was a sad match though. Pitiful to watch. Jacqui, Canadian 4 U, Shellycan, and other Canadians, took on Slammer and Tornado. If you've never seen someone kill a mosquito with a sledge hammer, you'll get an idea of the bloodshed. Tornado drove the turnip truck, as Slammer tossed inaccuracies and insults at the Angry Beavers. The Beavers slapped their tails warning of impending danger, grouped together, and armed with facts chewed the Americans up, and spit them out in splinters.

Lady Lark said once, a very long time ago, she watched a man performing fellatio on himself in the adult section. Since then she has never seen him back online. Lady, who would be the most perverted here. Him for pleasuring himself on camera, or you for spending a lifetime waiting for him to return?

Buck, the coward of conversation, waited for Vixee to leave to defame her on mic. Buck said he was looking for entertainment (Buck, you might want to get a name from Lady Lark, see above), and not Vixee's nastiness. She wasn't "nice", he said , and it bothered his soft sensitive side. MikeSubcon, and Cane, jumped on the pity party band-wagon, as the women in the room choked on their Cheerios listening to the men gossip. Buck is truly hung up on nice, as long as that ship is sailing one way; directly at him. Otherwise he is about as nice as a starving Tasmanian Devil. Buck was also bitching about earthy brunette telling Grunto she had a dream about him. Now there is a heinous crime if ever there was one. People have been shot for less. Buck if you see that pickle up your ass, while your head is stuck up there....Eat it.

When New Orleans was underwater, and the unthinkable was happening to thousands of people, many a European tossed tomatoes of torment at the Americans. " See, you can't even save your own people." Merit to their comments? Maybe so. When the same is happening in Europe, the excuses by Europeans for this tragedy are greater than a prepubescent boy, caught by his mother, fondling his future fantasy maker.

Idiot of the day --- SpudSpud

Admin of the day --- Eleanor Rigby (ran an insane asylum with integrity)

Nice person of the day --- firewoman (everyone should have a friend like you)

Quotes of the day ----stefhaj: shelly if he had an original thought his head would explode


Ok its great that you came back, but enough Issy and Boaz.


The Tattler: You got it.


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