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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Social Issues Tattler

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.


The Red Admin D was giving out free subscriptions for blue names in Starlyin's and Boaz's room the other day. For all who have paid, and repeatedly paid, this is a monumental slap in the face. Chat Attack, TheePossilFossil, JoJo (This name did not get a blue name, her name was included erroneously, apologies), tickles_m, and others were handed upgrades. If you want to make some noise about this, tell everyone you know, and email Pal Talk to complain.

Boaz and Starlyin have spent days massacring Mothers, and allowing tapes of Mothers, swearing, crying, screaming, begging, and humiliating herself, to be played ad nauseam, much to the amusement of the chimps clacking their bananas against the cage in their room. These two mental midgets, or as they have come to be known, "Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber", were the same two babies that ran weeping and crying to the "Red Admins" for justice when Runnin Fer Cover made a tape about them. Oh! how the tables have turned. It was blasphemy, against TOS, a sin, a covetousness, a damnation, an immorality, a peccadillo violation of the highest order, that anyone show these two sick bastards in song, for what they really are. They campaigned for Runnin to be banned from Pal Talk forever, because Runnin fer Cover stepped up and took the challenge to illuminate their idiocy, and a good job he did, showing Starlyin as an Olympian victim (Starlyin, you are not the only person to have open-heart surgery, get over it, the world is sick of you retelling that tattered old tale), and Boaz is the poster boy for Oedipus (someone misses his milk nipple way too much). For months Starlyin and Boaz have groomed Mothers for the position of dancing monkey in their ever sinking Titanic-like room. First Mothers was a "sister"; defended and protected by Starlyin. Boaz just wanted to bang Mother's daughter, and would do just about anything to fulfill his need for a pedophilia experience. Then Mothers said she sent Starlyin some money for a trip to Disneyland, which seems very plausible, since Starlyin whined and whinged for months about not having enough money to do all the things she wanted to do at Disney, on her meager funds. Mothers sent that money, just as Tornado gave Mothers his address for her to sent money to him--- and who took the fall; Mothers. She might be annoying, she might be as immature as green apples, but she is no liar when it comes in her attempts to make friends.

The vultures in that room cry foul, because they don't like to hear Mothers, but do they leave? Do they ignore her? Do they mute their sound? Do they open a "Mothers free room". You bet your sweet ass they don't. The love to bitch, and some of the so-called nice folks are at the top of the bitch-best list. What is most outstanding is Mothers is never silenced in the room, and Dan the Cat Killer has been welcomed back with open arms. Starlyin, swore he was banned for life, from her room, but like everything else that crosses her lips, this statement was a lie for drama, and an attempt to make her look moral on some God-forbidden level. A level most people can never sink low enough to understand.

What is most galling about all of this pediatric infantile behavior, is watching the vultures pick Mothers bones bare as she begs on the mic for all to stop. What possible joy could anyone get from watching the spiral into self destruction of another human being? You may be well suited to think about the level on which you find satisfaction, and never cry when that turd-tossing tornado you participate in comes flying back to hit you square in the face. While your thinking of it, remind yourself that this woman has small children, and what you are doing to Mothers to affect those children's lives.

After weighing all the issues of Social Issues, Greeneyes is a saint compared to Starlyin, and everything Starlyin and Boaz get is so richly deserved. Boaz, is just sad. Who can't find an ounce of sympathy for a nutless wonder dipped in cowardice and left to befriend an old bitter women and exchange recipes for the rest of his life. It must be true, what goes around , comes around.

Idiot of the day ---- Boaz and Starlyin

Admin of the day--- Admin D (for needing his ass kissed more than needing integrity)

Nice person of the day --- Runnin Fer Cover (let the songs begin, according to Boaz and Starlyin, it's a go.)

Quote of the day --- Boaz Frankel: dog recipes ?


Dear Tattler:

I hope that your page returns soon! As that self important Red@ D has seen seen fit to bann me from Pal for the serious crime of questioning the racist actions of his "cyber-Pals" in Social Issues, you are now my only link to the kerrfuffles that happen there. Of course this has great benefit for me! I can check daily for the highlights which you provide, without investing any of my time or computer resources in dong so. Such a deal is rarely made, particularly when dealing with the neophytes who run Pal, and their bigoted and racist co-harts in Social Issues. So Tattler, concern yourself not with negative comments from the likes of Scarline, BoBo, BlowJob Jann, Greenslime, GobbBitch or the other low lives who have attacked you. You provide an invaluable service and you always report with great accuracy. Perhaps the Pal Talk thieves will forward you the pro-rated remainder of my subscription fees?

I wish to take this opportunity to bid farewell to my friends whom I have exchanged laughs with over the past couple of years. You know who you are! I may even miss a few of you But shed no tears my friends. I have risen, been resurrected! I am off to INSPEAK!!!!!!


The Tattler: Good Luck.


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